Elections in Kyrgyzstan
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Elections in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz Respublikasy
(Kyrgyz Republic)
Sq. km: 198,500
Population: 4,576,000
Capital: Bishkek
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President: Askar Akayevich Akayev (1990/2000)
Prime minister: Kurmanbek Saliyevich Bakiyev (2000)
The president is elected for a five year term by the people. The government is formed by non-partisans, loyal to the president.

President: 29 october 2000 (Turnout 77.3 %) %

Askar Akayevich Akayev 74.4
Omurbek Tekebayev13.9
Almazbek Atambayev6.0
Melis Eshimkanov1.1
Tursanbay Bakir Uulu1.0
Tursanbek Akunov0.4
Source: OSCE

The Joghorku Kenesh (Supreme Council) has two chambers. The Myizam Chygaruu Jyiyny (Legislative Assembly) has 60 members, elected for a five year term, 45 in single-seat constituencies and 15 by proportional representation. The El Okuldor Jyiyny (People's Representatives Assembly) has 45 members, elected for a five year term in single-seat constituencies.

Myizam Chygaruu Jyiyny: 20 february 2000 and 12 march 2000 (64.4 %)
El Okuldor Jyiyny: 20 february 2000 (57.8 %)
% 60 45

Partija Kommunistov Kyrgyzstana (Party of Communists of Kyrgyzstan, communist) PKK 27.7 15 -
Sojuz Demokraticheskikh Sil (Union of Democratic Forces, pro-presidential) SDS 18.6 4 -
Demokraticheskeskaya Partiya Zhenshchin Kyrgyzstana (Womens' Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan) DPZK 12.7 2 -
Politicheskaya Partiya Veteranov Vojny b Afganistane i Uchastnikov Drugikh Lokal'nykh Boyelykh Konfliktov (Party of War Veterans in Afhanistan) PPVVAA 8.0 2 -
Socialisticheskaya Partiya Ata Meken (Socialist Party Ata Meken) AM 6.5 1 -
Politicheskaya Partiya "Moya Strana" (Political Party My Country, pro-presidential) MS 5.0 1 -
Progressivno-Demokraticheskaya Partiya "Erkin Kyrgyzstan" (Progressive Democratic Party Erkin Kyrgyyzstan) ERK 4.2 - -
Agrarno-Trudovnaya Partiya Kyrgyzstana (Agrarian Labour Party of Kyrgyzstan, agrarian) ATPK 2.5 - -
Argarnaya Partiya Kyrgyzskoj Respublik (Agrarian Party of the Kyrgyz Republic, agrarian) APKR 2.4 - -
Izbiratel'nyj Blok Manas Manas 2.4 - -
Partiya Nacional'nogo Vozrozhdeniya "Asaba" Asaba 1.5 - -
Elected as non-partisans - - 45 45
Source: Central Election Committee/IPU. The party names are not available in Kyrgyz, only in Russian.

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