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Bishkek April 19, 1991 # 437 - XII

On Local Governance and Local State Administration in Republic Kyrgyzstan

(in the wording of the RK Laws of December 19, 1991 # 678 - XII,
of March 4, 1992 # 794 - XII, of July 3, 1992 # 985 - XII,
and of December 17, 1992 # 1087 -1-XII,
and of the KR Laws of May 27, 1994 # 1550 - XII,
and of January 21, 1998 # 10.)

(Enacted by the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of Republic Kyrgyzstan of April 19, 1991 # 438 - XII)

(Vedomosti of the Supreme Soviet of Republic Kyrgyzstan, 1991, p.263.)
     Part I.   The System and Principles of Local Governance and of
               Local State Administration
     Part II.  Local Keneshes and Local State Administration
     Part III. Organization and Forms of Activities of Local Keneshes
               and Local State Administration
     Part IV.  Territorial Public Local Governance Bodies
     Part V.   Economic Basis of Local Governance System
     Part VI.  Financial Basis of Local Governance System
     Part VII. Guarantees of the Local Governance and the Local State
               Administration Rights
Part I
The System and Principles of Local
Governance and of Local State

Article 1.
     Local Governance in Republic Kyrgyzstan shall be self-organization of  citizens  for  decision  making  on  issues  of local significance.  Decisions issuing  from  the  interests  of  the  population  and  from particularities of administrative-territorial units may be taken by the  citizens directly or through the bodies elected by them  and  shall  be  founded  on  the  legislation  and  on  the  corresponding material and  financial basis.
     Local State  Administration  shall  be the executive power body of  Republic Kyrgyzstan in the corresponding territory.
Article 2.
     The system of  Local  Governance  shall  include  local  keneshes,  territorial  local  governance  bodies  (microrayon and housing complex  councils and committees,  house,  street,  quarter,  posyolok,  and ail  committees and other bodies) as well as local referendums,  meetings of  citizens, and other forms of direct democracy.
     Local Governance  shall  be  performed  within  the  boundaries of  administrative-territorial units  to  be  established  and  changed  in compliance with the legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Local keneshes  and  local  state  administration  shall   provide  coordinated  activities  of  territorial public local governance bodies  and bodies of State Governance carried  out  within  the  corresponding
     Ails, posyoloks,  and towns may unite in associations in order  to  exercise their rights and interests more effectively.
     Local governance in the Kyrgyz Republic shall be the right and the actual  capacity  of  the population,  recognized and guaranteed by the  Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic,  to independent,  initiative,  and  responsible  decision making on issues of local significance within the  limits defined by the legislation.
     Local governance   shall  be  performed  in  compliance  with  the  Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic and with the legislation adopted on  the base of the Constitution.
     Local governance in Bishkek shall be performed in accordance  with  the legislation defining the status of Bishkek.
     The jurisdiction  and  the  procedures  for  activities  of  local  governance bodies shall be regulated by this Law,  by other legal acts,  and by Charters of local communities.
Article 3.
     Local governance and local state  administration  shall  implement  their activities based on:
     will of  the  population   expressed   through   local   keneshes,  territorial  public local governance bodies,  and other forms of direct  democracy;
     protection of legal rights and interests of citizens;
     publicity and taking public opinion into account;
     concord of local and state interests;
     distribution of   functions   and  powers  of  representative  and
executiveadministering bodies;
     electivety of  local  keneshes  and  of  territorial  public local
governance bodies,  their  accountability  to  the  population,  public
control, and appointment of heads of local state administration;
     joint leadership, free discussion, and free decision making;
     independence, and  responsibility  of local keneshes,  other local
governance bodies,  and local state administration for decision  making
on issues of local significance.
     Article 4.
     Local governance   shall   be   carried   out   in  the  forms  of
representative and direct democracy.
     Direct democracy  in  the  sphere  of  local  governance  shall be
introduced into life through  local  keneshes  and  territorial  public
local governance bodies.
     The major forms of direct democracy shall be as follows:
     local referendums,  participation  of the population in discussion
of any important aspect(s)  of  social  and  state  activities  and  of
realization   of   confirmed  decisions  through  meetings  and  skhods
(gatherings) of  the  citizens,  and  through  other  forms  of  direct
democracy,  as  well  as  in  election  of representative bodies and in
implementation of control over the activities of local governments.
     The decision  on  holding a local referendum shall be taken by the
corresponding local keneshes.  The procedures for holding a  referendum
shall  be established in accordance with the Law of Republic Kyrgyzstan
On Referendum.
     Article 5.
     Local governance  bodies  and  local  state  administration  shall
function  in  close  cooperation  with  working  collectives and public
associations,  and develop conditions allowing the citizens of Republic
Kyrgyzstan  to  exercise their constitutional right to participation in
administering state and public activities.
     Article 6.
     Legal regulation of local governance  and  of  the  activities  of
local   keneshes  shall  be  based  on  the  Constitution  of  Republic
Kyrgyzstan,  on this Law,  and on other laws  and  regulatory  acts  of
Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     This Law shall also be  effective  in  monofunctional  settlements
(military settlements, closed settlements, etc.).
                                Part II
                       Local Keneshes and Local
                         State Administration
     Article 7.
     Local keneshes  shall be representative bodies of local governance
and shall be elected by the citizens residing within the  corresponding
territories,  based  on  common,  equal,  and  direct elective right by
secret ballot for a five year term.  The  procedures  for  election  of
people's  representatives of local keneshes shall be established by the
legislation of the Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Article 8.
     Local keneshes shall be:  oblast,  rayon,  town/city,  rayon (in a
town),  town  (of  rayon  subordination),  posyolok,  and  ail keneshes
forming a unified system of local governance executive bodies.
     Local state  administration  shall  be  an executive-administering
body in an oblast, Bishkek city, rayon, town, or in a rayon of a town.
     Chairpersons of  ail  and  posyolok keneshes shall be the heads of
local governance,  and shall  perform  the  functions  of  local  state
     Article 9.
     The following territorial levels of local keneshes and local state
administration shall be established in Republic Kyrgyzstan:
     ail, posyolok,  and  town  (of rayon subordination) local keneshes
shall be referred to the primary territorial level;
     town, rayon,  and  rayon  (in  a  town)  local  keneshes and state
administrations shall be referred to the basic territorial level;
     oblast and Bishkek city local keneshes and state and\ministrations
shall be referred to the oblast territorial level.
     Local keneshes and local state administrations of all levels shall
be legal entities and may independently take decisions  on  any  issues
referred to their jurisdiction by this Law.
     Powers of  local  soviets  and   jurisdiction   of   local   state
administrations  of  various  territorial  levels  shall be established
subject to economic and social  particularities  of  the  corresponding
administrative-territorial  units  and  to  the capacity of independent
exercising such powers and jurisdiction at the respective level.
     Article 10.
     Superior bodies of governance and administration may not interfere
in  decision making on the issues referred to the jurisdiction of local
     A local  kenesh  may  attract  representatives  of the appropriate
ministries,  state committees, administrative agencies, and local state
administration bodies to participation in decision making on the issues
affecting the interests of the respective territory.
     Article 11.
     Relationships between oblast,  Bishkek city, rayon, town, or rayon
(in  a  town)  local  keneshes  and local state administration shall be
established  on  the  principles  of  division  of  functions  and   of
enfranchising a kenesh and a local state administration with the powers
adherent to such bodies and provided by the legislation.
     Article 12.
     Local state  administration  shall  do  the   following   in   the
respective territories:
     secure realization of constitutional rights,  freedoms,  and legal
interests of the citizens;
     carry out projects of the social and economic development programs
for  the  territory  and  projects of local budget,  submit them to the
appropriate kenesh for approval and  organize  their  fulfillment,  and
makes  decisions  on  imposition of fines and penalties with respect to
economic entities regardless  of  the  type  of  ownership  within  its
     implement control  over   observance   of   regulatory   acts   on
environment  protection  and on use of land and of natural resources as
well as of sanitary norms and rules in the field of public health  care
by enterprises, agencies, and organizations;
     suspend construction of new and functioning of existing industrial
objects  given that such construction or functioning is not coordinated
with the respective local state administration;
     coordinate and  regulate  use of labor resources,  and develop and
take action in the sphere  of  employment,  and  social  protection  of
indigent social groups;
     provide observance of the legislation and of public order;
     use on  a  contractual  basis  credits  aimed at industrial and/or
social purposes; provide and be provided with loans;
     deposit free finance in bank accounts;
     participate in the security market, issue securities and lotteries
in order to mobilize additional financial resources,  and perform local
     make territorial  summary  financial  balance sheets.  Appropriate
state   and    public    authorities,    enterprises    (associations),
organizations, and agencies irrespective of the type of ownership shall
provide local state administration with information required  for  such
balance sheets.
     Article 13.
     The major  powers  of  local  keneshes  of primary territory level
shall be as follows:
     development and  fulfillment  of  programs  and  measures aimed at
social  protection   and   provision   of   economic,   everyday,   and
social-cultural services to the population;
     organization of maintenance of all  types  of  communications,  of
streets  and  roads,  and  of people's education and public health care
     control over rational use of natural resources;
     coordination of development and  carrying  out  general  plans  of
building and of architectural projects, and supervision over observance
of established construction standards with regard to any  object  under
construction in the corresponding territory.
     Article 14.
     The following  issues  shall  be  referred  to the competence of a
local state administration of the basic  territorial  level:
     development and  fulfillment  of  the  respective  territorial and
inter-territorial (town and inter-town,  rayon an  interrayon)  social,
economic, and cultural development programs;
     financial assistance  in  keeping  in  balance  and  in  providing
minimum funds to local budgets of primary territorial level;
     organization of social protection measures;
     provision of economic/business, social and cultural, everyday, and
legal services to the population according to agreements with  keneshes
of the primary territorial level;
     arrangement of methodological and legal assistance to  territorial
public local governance bodies;
     control over adequate conditions  of  people's  education,  public
health care, and social safety net institutions;
     development and  fulfillment   of   measures   and   programs   of
maintenance  of  all  types  of communications,  streets,  and roads in
adequate condition.
     Article 15.
     The following issues shall be referred  to  the  competence  of  a
local state administration of the oblast territorial level:
     organization of business and social-cultural servicing  of  rayons
and towns on a contractual basis;
     inter-territorial measures;
     financial assistance   in  keeping  local  budgets  of  the  basic
territorial level in balance;
     methodological assistance    in    working    out   regional   and
national-cultural development, and demography policy programs;
     maintenance of      lawfulness      in      implementation      of
executive-administering  activities  and  in  the  sphere   of   social
                               Part III
                 Organization and Forms of Activities
                      of Local Keneshes and Local
                         State Administration
     Article 16.
     The basic organizational-legal form  of  work  of  local  keneshes
shall be local kenesh sessions.
     A session shall be called in case of need,  but at  least  once  a
     The first session of a newly elected kenesh shall be called by the
Chairman of the preceding kenesh.
     The first session of an oblast kenesh and other keneshes shall  be
called within the 3 and,  respectively, 2 weeks following the elections
of representatives of local keneshes.
     The first session of an oblast,  a rayon, a city/town, a rayon (in
a town),  a posyolok,  or an ail kenesh shall,  pending the election of
the  kenesh  Chairman,  be opened and held by the Chairman,  the Deputy
Chairman,  or  one  of  the  members  of  the  corresponding   election
     The further  procedures  for  holding   the   session   shall   be
established  by the corresponding local kenesh.  After the Chairman and
his Deputy are elected, they shall hold the kenesh meeting(s).
     The first session of a local kenesh in a newly formed oblast shall
be called by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Republic Kyrgyzstan
within  the  three weeks following the date of formation of the oblast,
and in the event of elections to the kenesh of a newly formed oblast  -
within the three weeks following the election day.
     The first session of a rayon, city, town (of rayon subordination),
posyolok,  or ail kenesh in a new rayon,  rayon in a town, posyolok, or
village Soviet shall be called by the  Chairman  of  a  superior  local
kenesh  within the two weeks following the formation of the rayon,  the
rayon in a town,  the posyolok, or the village Soviet, and in the event
of elections to the kenesh of a new rayon,  rayon in a town,  posyolok,
or ail kenesh - within the two weeks following the election day.
     The same procedures shall be established for the first sessions of
keneshes referred to the category of the  towns  of  oblast  and  rayon
     The Chairman of an oblast kenesh shall notify the  representatives
and inform the population about the place and date of a session as well
as about the issues to be submitted to the kenesh for consideration  at
least two weeks prior the session;  the Chairman of a rayon,  city/town
or rayon (in a town) kenesh shall take the same  action  at  least  ten
days  prior  the  session,  and  the  Chairman  of  a  town  (of  rayon
subordination),  posyolok, or ail kenesh - at least five days prior the
     A session of a local kenesh shall be  considered  competent  given
that  at least two thirds of the total number of representatives of the
local kenesh are present.
     For the  session  period a local kenesh shall elect by open vote a
secretarial board out of its representatives.  A  city/town  (of  rayon
subordination),  posyolok,  or ail kenesh shall elect a secretary.  The
session shall issue a resolution on election of a secretarial board  or
of a secretary.
     A decision of a kenesh shall be taken by a  majority  vote  unless
otherwise provided by law or by the kenesh regulations.
     Sessions of a local kenesh shall be called by  initiative  of  the
Chairman of the Kenesh,  by initiative of permanent commissions,  or by
request of at least one-third representatives of the kenesh.
     Issues may be submitted to local keneshes for consideration at the
session by  a  Chairman  of  the  corresponding  kenesh,  by  permanent
commissions,  and/or by groups of representatives; the number of issues
shall be provided by the regulations of the respective  kenesh.  Public
organizations  of  the corresponding territory may propose issues to be
considered at the session.
     Sessions of  local keneshes shall be held openly;  representatives
of working collectives, public organizations and movements, mass media,
and citizens may participate in them.
     Article 17.
     A local  kenesh shall be competent to consider at its sessions the
issues referred to its jurisdiction by the legislation of the  Republic
Kyrgyzstan  and to make decisions on such issues.  The decisions on the
following questions may be made exclusively by the sessions:
     electing and dismissing the head of a local government;
     electing the mandatory commission and its chairman;
     recognizing the powers of the representatives; ceasing such powers
ahead of schedule in cases provided by  the  legislation,  hearing  the
reports of the representatives on fulfillment of their responsibilities
and of the decisions and instructions given by the kenesh  and  by  its
     forming, electing,  and changing the composition of permanent  and
other commissions of the representatives,  and approving the candidates
to the position of a chairman of such a commission;
     forming commissions  composed  of  the  representatives  under the
auspices of a local kenesh (administrative, supervisory, on minors, and
other  commissions  provided by the legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan)
implementing their activities on a charge-free basis;
     discussing reports  of  the  kenesh  Chairman  and of other bodies
formed by local keneshes;
     considering requests  of  the representatives and taking decisions
on the requests;
     adopting the resolutions of the kenesh;
     approving the social and economic development plans (programs) for
the corresponding territories, and social protection programs;
     approving the budget and the report on its fulfillment;
     making proposals for administrative-territorial organization;
     canceling instructions of the kenesh Chairman;
     holding local referendums;
     expressing vote of no  confidence  to  the  head  of  local  state
     A local kenesh may establish its office consisting of 3-5  experts
in order to support organizational activities of the kenesh,  to assist
the permanent commissions  and  the  representatives,  and  to  prepare
required materials.
     Article 18.
     Decisions of  a  local  kenesh  on  the  issues  referred  to  its
jurisdiction shall be taken by a majority vote of the total  number  of
elected  representatives,  issued  as  resolutions,  and  signed by the
Chairman of the kenesh.
     Article 19.
     A Chairman of an oblast, Bishkek city, rayon, town, or a rayon (in
a town) local kenesh shall be elected by a session of the corresponding
kenesh out of the people's representatives by  secret  ballot  for  the
plenipotentiary term of the kenesh.
     A candidate who has won majority vote of the total number  of  the
representatives  of  the  kenesh shall be considered elected.  The same
person may not be elected a Chairman for more than two terms running. A
Chairman of a local kenesh may not occupy any other position.
     The Chairman of a kenesh shall:
     call kenesh  sessions and hold kenesh meetings,  sign decisions of
the kenesh,  and organize implementation of control over  execution  of
such decisions;
     coordinate the activities of permanent and  other  commissions  of
the kenesh, and of groups of representatives;
     assist the representatives in exercising  (of)  their  powers,  in
reception of citizens,  and in reporting to the electors,  consider the
issues associated with exercising rights and  responsibilities  by  the
representatives,  and  prepare proposals on such issues to be submitted
to the kenesh for consideration;
     provide publicity  and  see  that  public  opinion  is  taken into
account in the activities of the kenesh and the kenesh bodies;
     represent the  kenesh in the relationships with State Authorities,
public associations, and citizens;
     organize interaction between the kenesh and the territorial public
local governance bodies;  suspend the statute of acts  issued  by  such
bodies  pending  the  final  court  decision  in  case that they offend
rights,  freedoms,  or legal interest of the citizens residing  in  the
respective territory;
     consider applications,  claims,  and  proposals  of  the  citizens
addressed to the kenesh;
     submit to  the  kenesh  proposals  for  appointing  elections   of
representatives to keneshes of new administrative-territorial units and
for replacing a representative in case if s/he quits;
     issue instructions on the items being within his jurisdiction.
     A Chairman of an oblast or Bishkek city kenesh may petition to the
President of Republic Kyrgyzstan, and a Chairman of a rayon, town, or a
rayon (in a town) kenesh may petition to the Chairman of the respective
oblast  or  of  the  Biskek city kenesh for conferring state awards and
awarding honorable degrees of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     The Chairman  of  a  kenesh  shall  be  accountable for his entire
activity to the kenesh that has elected him,  and shall report  to  the
kenesh on his activity at least annually.
     The Chairman of a kenesh may be dismissed of the occupied position
at  the  kenesh  session  by  secret  ballot provided that at least two
thirds elected representatives of the kenesh have voted for it.
     The Chairman     of    a    local    kenesh    may    apply    for
anticipatory/accelerated resignation.  In this case a decision shall be
taken by a simple majority open vote of the total number of the elected
representatives of the kenesh.
     A Deputy   Chairman   shall   be   elected   by   a  session  upon
recommendation of the kenesh Chairman out of  the  representatives  for
the kenesh plenipotentiary term.
     A Deputy Chairman shall fulfil  the  instructions  of  the  kenesh
Chairman   and   substitute   him  in  the  event  of  his  absence  or
impossibility to carry  out  his  duties.  The  Deputy  Chairman  shall
perform his functions on a charge-free basis.
     Article 20.
     A kenesh   may   form   permanent   commissions   for  preliminary
consideration and preparation of the issues referred to the  competence
of the kenesh, for participation in introducing its decisions into life
and implementing control over observance of  such  decisions,  and  for
observing the legislation by enterprises,  agencies,  and organizations
located in the subordinated territory.  A  kenesh  may  form  temporary
commissions and other bodies.
     A local kenesh  shall  determine  the  list  of  commissions,  the
quantity of their members,  and the election procedure. In case of need
a kenesh may form new permanent  commissions,  dismiss  and  reorganize
previously  established commissions,  and introduce amendments to their
composition during its plenipotentiary term.
     The members   of  permanent  commissions  shall  be  the  people's
representative of the corresponding keneshes. Neither a Chairman of the
corresponding  kenesh  nor  his  Deputy  may be elected a member of the
local kenesh permanent commission.
     A permanent commission shall elect a Chairman,  his Deputies,  and
Secretaries.  A commission may establish sub-commissions in  accordance
with the main directions of its activities.
     A representative may not participate in more  than  one  permanent
commission of the kenesh.
     The appropriate kenesh may change the composition of its permanent
commissions  upon proposals of the kenesh Chairman and/or the permanent
     A kenesh  may  anticipatory  cease  the  powers  of  a member of a
commission by his request or  under  the  circumstances  that  make  it
impossible for such a member to proceed performance of his duties.
     Rights, responsibilities,  and the procedures for organization and
activities  of permanent commissions of local keneshes shall be defined
by this Law and by other legislative acts of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Permanent commissions  of  local  keneshes may attract scientists,
experts,  practicing specialists,  and other persons to participate  in
their activities.
     Permanent commissions of a local kenesh may make decisions.
     Article 21.
     Permanent commissions   of   a   local    kenesh    of    people's
representatives shall:
     participate in preparation  of  issues  connected  with  economic,
social,   and   national-cultural   development  of  the  corresponding
territory submitted to the kenesh for consideration;
     submit to   the   kenesh   proposals   for   development   of  the
social-cultural and industrial infrastructure within the  territory  of
the  kenesh  and  for  development  of  the  economic  basis  of  local
     preliminary consider  economic  development  draft  plans  of  the
corresponding territory and budget, reports on fulfillment of the plans
and the budget, and present them to the kenesh in case of need;
     exercise other powers provided  to  them  by  the  legislation  of
Republic  Kyrgyzstan  and  by  the  Regulations of the respective local
     Article 22.
     Permanent commissions of a local  kenesh  may  hear  (reports  of)
officials  in  authority and experts of the local state administration,
and of enterprises,  agencies,  and organizations  located  within  the
respective territory.
     Article 23.
     Meetings of  permanent  commissions  of  a  local  kenesh shall be
called in accordance with the plan of their activities.
     People's representatives  of  a  kenesh  may  participate  in  the
meetings of permanent commissions with the right of  deliberative  vote
without being members of the foregoing commissions.
     Issues referred to the jurisdiction of  more  than  one  permanent
commission  may,  by  initiative of the commissions as well as upon the
instruction of a local kenesh,  be mutually prepared and considered  by
the commissions.
     All members of permanent commissions shall exercise equal rights.
     Article 24.
     A Chairman of an ail,  posyolok,  or town (of rayon subordination)
kenesh shall be elected by a session of the corresponding kenesh out of
the people's representatives by secret ballot for  the  plenipotentiary
term  of  the  kenesh  upon recommendation of the head of a local state
administration.  A candidate who has won more than half  votes  of  the
total  number  of the representatives of the kenesh shall be considered
     In case  if  the  majority  of the total number of representatives
deny  the  recommended  candidate,  the  head  of   the   local   state
administration  shall  recommend another candidate for consideration of
the session.  The candidate shall be the  representative  of  the  same
     The same person may not be elected a Chairman for  more  than  two
terms  running.  The  Chairman  of  a  kenesh  may not occupy any other
     The Chairman of an ail, posyolok, or town (of rayon subordination)
kenesh shall be accountable to the kenesh that has  elected  him.  S/he
shall also be accountable to the head of the local state administration
with respect to the executive and administering activities.
     The Chairman of an ail, posyolok, or town (of rayon subordination)
local kenesh shall:
     call kenesh  sessions and hold kenesh meetings,  sign decisions of
the kenesh, and organize control over execution of such decisions;
     coordinate the  activities  of  permanent and other commissions of
the kenesh, and of representatives' teams;
     assist the  representatives  in  realization  of their powers,  in
reception of citizens,  and in reporting to the electors,  provide them
with information, consider the issues associated with exercising rights
and responsibilities by the representatives,  and prepare proposals  on
such issues to be submitted to the kenesh for consideration;
     provide publicity and  see  that  public  opinion  is  taken  into
account in the activities of the kenesh and the kenesh bodies;
     represent the kenesh in the relationships with state  authorities,
public associations, and citizens;
     organize interaction between the kenesh and the territorial public
local  governance bodies;  suspend pending the final court decision the
statute of acts issued by such bodies in case that they offend  rights,
freedoms, or legal interests of the citizens residing in the respective
     consider applications,  claims,  and  proposals  of  the  citizens
addressed to the kenesh;
     submit to  the  kenesh  proposals  for conferring state awards and
awarding honorable degrees of Republic Kyrgyzstan;
     issue instructions on the items being within his jurisdiction;
     report to the kenesh on his activity at least annually.
     The Chairman of an ail, posyolok, or town (of rayon subordination)
local kenesh shall perform  executive-administering  functions  in  the
corresponding  territory,  have  the  powers  inherent  to  local state
administration, and:
     implement control over observance of the passport system rules and
perform mandatory registration of citizens subject to their  places  of
residence in compliance with the established procedures;
     perform registration of the acts of civil status pursuant  to  the
legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan;
     appoint guardians  and  tutors,   and   implement   control   over
fulfillment of their duties;
     carry out notary actions in compliance with the  legislative  acts
of Republic Kyrgyzstan;
     issue identifications,  certificates  of  marital   and   property
status, and other documents provided by current legislation;
     carry out  other  activities  provided  by  legislative  acts   of
Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     The Chairman of an ail, posyolok, or town (of rayon subordination)
kenesh  may  be dismissed of the occupied position by initiative of the
kenesh or by the proposal of the head of the local state administration
at  the  kenesh  session  by  secret  ballot provided that at least two
thirds elected representatives of the kenesh have voted for it.
     The Chairman   of   a  local  kenesh  may  apply  for  accelerated
resignation.  In this case a  decision  shall  be  taken  by  a  simple
majority  open  vote of the total number of the elected representatives
of the kenesh.
     A Deputy   Chairman   shall   be   elected   by   a  session  upon
recommendation of the kenesh Chairman out of  the  representatives  for
the kenesh plenipotentiary term.
     The Deputy Chairman shall fulfil the instructions  of  the  kenesh
Chairman   and   substitute   him  in  the  event  of  his  absence  or
impossibility to carry  out  his  duties.  The  Deputy  Chairman  shall
perform his functions on a chargefree basis.
     Article 25.
     The head  of  the  local  state  administration  may independently
govern the activities of a local state administration.
     The head of an oblast and of Bishkek state administration shall be
appointed by the President of Republic Kyrgyzstan  upon  recommendation
of the Prime Minister and by consent of the corresponding local kenesh.
     The head of rayon,  town,  rayon (in a town) state  administration
shall  be  appointed by the Prime Minister by consent of the respective
local keneshes upon recommendation of  the  heads  of  the  oblast  and
Bishkek  city  state  administrations  and approved by the President of
Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     The head  of  an  oblast  and of Bishkek city state administration
shall be accountable to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic and to the
Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic.  The head of a rayon,  town, and
rayon (in a town) state administration  shall  be  accountable  to  the
Prime  Minister  of  the  Kyrgyz  Republic  and  to  the  head  of  the
corresponding oblast or Bishkek city state administration.
     In the  event  of  unduly performance of his official duties or of
committing a dishonorable deed the head of a local state administration
may  be  dismissed of his position respectively by the President of the
Kyrgyz Republic or by the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic.
     An oblast, Bishkek city, town, rayon, or a rayon (in a town) local
kenesh may,  by two thirds majority vote of the  total  number  of  the
representatives,  express  vote  of  no  confidence  to the head of the
corresponding local state  administration  and  rise  the  question  of
dismissing him of his position.  The President or the Prime Minister of
the Kyrgyz Republic shall take the  decision  on  the  specified  issue
within  one  month  and inform the corresponding local kenesh about his
     The head of a local state administration shall:
     perform executive-administering functions  on  the  basis  and  in
observance  of  the  laws  of Republic Kyrgyzstan,  of the Presidential
acts,  and of the Resolutions and Orders of the Government of  Republic
     maintain rights, freedoms, and legal interests of the citizens;
     issue within  his  competence resolutions and instructions binding
upon any enterprise,  organization,  or agency irrespective of the type
of ownership located in the corresponding territory, and upon officials
and citizens;
     carry out  general  management  of  the local state administration
bodies and subdivisions financed by the local budget,  and exercise the
powers of management being the communal property;
     provide working out and submit to the local  kenesh  for  approval
social  and cultural development draft projects of the territory and of
the local budget and arrange their execution;
     form off-budget  and  currency  funds,  define  the  direction  of
utilization of such funds;
     open and  close  bank  accounts of the local state administration,
administer its funds, and sign financial documents;
     at least  annually  reports  to  the  local kenesh on the state of
affairs in the corresponding territory;
     represent the oblast,  Bishkek city,  rayon,  town,  or rayon in a
town in the  relationships  with  superior  state  authorities  and  in
international relations;
     makes decisions  on  withdrawal  and  allocation  of  land   plots
pursuant to the legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan;
     appoint and   dismiss   deputy   heads   of   the   local    state
     organize and control  within  his  competence  observance  of  his
regulatory acts by any state authorities,  organizations,  and agencies
located in the respective territory;
     cancel the  acts  issued  by  the  officials in authority of local
state administration bodies and subdivisions;
     consider applications,  claims,  and  proposals  of  the  citizens
concerning the activities of the local state administration;
     impose within   his   jurisdiction  the  administrative  penalties
provided by the legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan;
     apply, in  accordance with the legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan,
measures for encouragement,  and discipline heads and officials of  the
local state administration bodies and subdivisions;
     exercise other powers provided  by  the  legislation  of  Republic
Kyrgyzstan  and  entrusted  upon  him  by  the  President  of  Republic
     The head  of  a  local  state  administration shall coordinate the
activities of territorial services,  bodies of  state  governance  (tax
inspection,  financial  inspection,  customs,  the  committees  on home
affairs,  national security,  defense,  justice,  protection of nature,
statistics,  state  archives,  forestry,  prices  and antitrust policy,
construction  control,  and  state  sanitary  control),  and  give  his
agreement  to appointment of first officials in authority of the listed
inspections and committees.  Oblast,  Bishkek  city,  town,  and  rayon
public  prosecutors  shall  be  appointed subject to the opinion of the
head of the corresponding local state administration.
     The head  of  a  local state administration upon coordination with
the republican  bodies  of  state  governance  shall  form  territorial
services of state veterinary control as well as other services being in
their mutual jurisdiction,  and appoint first officials in authority of
such services by consent of superior bodies of state administration.
     The head of a local state  administration  shall  form  the  local
state  administration services and structural subdivisions being within
his direct jurisdiction and appoint their first officials in authority.
     The acts issued by the head of a local state administration may be
canceled by the President of Republic Kyrgyzstan, and by the Government
of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     The head of an oblast,  and of Bishkek city  state  administration
may  cancel  the  acts  issued  by  the  head  of  the respective basic
territorial level.
     The head  of  a  local  state  administration  may cancel the acts
issued by the Chairman of a kenesh of  the  primary  territorial  level
regarding executiveadministering activities.
     The structure  of  the  oblast  and  of  the  Bishkek  city  state
administration   shall  be  ratified  by  the  Government  of  Republic
Kyrgyzstan upon recommendation of the  head  of  the  respective  state
administration within the limits of budget assignments provided for the
maintenance of the foregoing administration.
     The structure  of  a  rayon,  town,  and  rayon  (in a town) state
administration  shall  be  approved  by  the   superior   local   state
administration upon recommendation of the head of the rayon,  town,  or
rayon (in the town) state administration within the  limits  of  budget
assignments provided for maintenance of such administration.
     The head of  a  local  state  administration  shall  independently
define the list of its stuff.
     A consultative body - the Board - may be formed under the auspices
of  the  head  of a local state administration for consideration of the
most  important  issues  of  executive-administering  activities.   The
composition  of  he  Board  shall  be approved by the head of the local
state administration.
     The head  of  a local state administration or his deputies may not
simultaneously   be   either   a   Representative   of   the   People's
Representatives  Assembly  of Jogorku Kenesh or a representative of the
corresponding local Kenesh.
     The head  of  a local state administration or his deputies as well
as first officials in  authority  of  the  local  state  administration
bodies and structural subdivisions may not:
     occupy paid positions in other bodies of state governance,  public
associations, enterprises, organizations, or agencies;
     implement entrepreneurship activities;
     be a member of management boards and of other managerial bodies of
enterprises,  organizations,  or agencies the financed from  the  local
     derive any income as well as extraordinary or  regular  pays  from
enterprises, organizations, or agencies connected with the local budget
by receiving funds form the  budget,  or  by  tax  or  other  financial
     Violation of the foregoing requirements by the specified officials
shall  be  disciplined  including dismissal given that their actions do
not include administrative violations.
     Article 26.
     The first deputy of the head of a local state administration shall
substitute the latter in case if s/he is absent or cannot carry out his
     The deputies  of  the  head  of a local state administration shall
perform  their  functions  in  compliance  with  distribution  of   the
responsibilities, and fulfill the instructions given by the head of the
local state administration.
                                Part IV
                       Territorial Public Local
                           Governance Bodies
     Article 27.
     Territorial public  local  governance  bodies  shall  be voluntary
associations of citizens residing in the certain territory  established
for decision making on the issues of local significance.
     The territorial public local governance bodies shall be:  (soviets
and committees,  of microrayons,  houses, streets, quarters, posyoloks,
and ails,  or other bodies formed by inhabitants of the respective area
depending on local conditions and traditions).
     The boundaries of the territory  where  territorial  public  local
governance  bodies  may  implement their activities shall be defined by
the  appropriate  local  kenesh  subject  to  the  proposals   of   the
     Article 28.
     Territorial public  local governance bodies shall be registered by
the local kenesh in compliance with the procedures established  by  the
legislation and may be enfranchised with the rights of a legal entity.
     Territorial public local governance bodies  shall  be  accountable
for  their activities to the meetings of citizens who have elected such
bodies and to the local kenesh that has registered them.
     Territorial public local governance bodies shall function in close
coordination  with  public  associations  (social-political  and  other
public  organizations  and mass movements,  and with the bodies of such
organizations and movements),  and may  enter  in  contractually  based
relationships by their mutual consent.
     Article 29.
     Local keneshes  may  register  territorial public local governance
     Local keneshes   and  local  state  administration  shall  develop
adequate conditions for formation of property by the territorial public
local  governance  bodies,  and for implementation of their independent
economic, and financial and business activities.
     Local keneshes and local state administration may entrust upon the
territorial public local governance bodies their  functions  associated
with  social  and  economic development of the territory,  and transfer
non-budget enterprises,  housing fund, and non-living buildings as well
as  part  of  their  financial,  material  and other resources to their
     Article 30.
     Local keneshes  and  local  state  administration   as   well   as
enterprises,  agencies and organizations shall assist in realization of
decisions and proposals of territorial public local governance  bodies,
consider  their  proposals  and  petitions,  and  present well-grounded
responses to such proposals and petitions.
     Article 31.
     Territorial public local governance bodies shall:
     represent the  interests  of  the citizens of the territory to the
state authorities;
     participate in  the  work  of  the local keneshes in the course of
discussion of the issues regarding the respective territory;
     participate in   allowing   the   social   sphere   facilities  to
exploitation,  in repairing, and in works on improvement and sanitation
of the territory;
     assist in fulfillment of decisions of  local  keneshes  and  local
state administration;
     organize execution of the decisions of meetings  (conferences)  of
the citizens;
     prepare recommendations and  petition  to  the  appropriate  local
keneshes  and  local  state  administration  as  well  as  to the state
authorities, enterprises, organizations, and agencies in respect to the
issues  referred  to  the  jurisdiction of the territorial public local
governance bodies;
     implement public control over observance of rules of building, use
and maintenance of living houses and adjusting  territories,  and  fire
safety as well as over observance of sanitary norms;  over rational use
of land,  water, and other natural resources; take action on protection
of  the  objects  of historical and cultural value;  make proposals for
removal of defects;
     have other  rights  provided  by  the  legislation  of  the Kyrgyz
     Article 32.
     A territorial public local governance body being  a  legal  entity
     open bank accounts, including foreign currency accounts;
     independently perform  business  activities  aimed  at  social and
economic development of  the  territory  and  establish  self-financing
subdivisions for these purposes;
     establish small enterprises,  cooperatives, clubs, associations of
amateurs, resting centres, and other enterprises and organizations;
     cooperate on  a  contractual  basis  with  the  appropriate  local
keneshes   and   local  state  administration,  and  with  enterprises,
cooperatives, and other business organizations;
     be a customer regarding the works on improvement of the territory,
construction and repairing of the housing fund and of buildings of  the
social  and  everyday  services sphere using the local budget funds and
own financial resources provided for these purposes;
     let on lease buildings,  facilities, and non-living premises being
their property;
     establish the structure,  determine the stuff and pay wages out of
their funds based on the decision taken by a general meeting  (a  skhod
(gathering)  or  a  conference)  of  the  citizens  of  the  respective
     accumulate on  a  voluntary  basis  finances  of  the  population,
enterprises,  agencies, and organizations for development of the social
infrastructure  of  the territory,  and establishe the local initiative
                                Part V
                        Economic Basis of Local
                           Governance System
     Article 33.
     Economic basis of local governance shall be constituted by natural
resources (land,  subsoil, water, forests, flora, and fauna) and by all
the enterprises and organizations irrespective of the type of ownership
located in the corresponding territory.
     Article 34. Excepted
     Article 35.
     Local state  administration  may  give  within  its  competence to
enterprises (associations), organizations, and agencies included in the
composition of local economy, the preferential rights to use local land
and other natural resources,  and material and technical  provision  of
the local funds.
     Local state administration may establish at  the  expense  of  its
finance   enterprises,   organizations,   and   social   and   cultural
     Relationships between  the local governance bodies and local state
administration and enterprises,  organizations,  and  agencies  of  the
industrial  and  social  infrastructure  that  satisfy the needs of the
population of more than  one  administrative-territorial  unit  without
being referred to the local economy shall be regulated by agreements.
     Article 36.
     Communal property  shall  be a part of state property and shall be
the  basis  of  local  economy.  Local   keneshes   and   local   state
administration  shall  administer the communal property pursuant to the
distribution of  their  jurisdiction  and  powers  established  by  the
     Communal property shall be formed by:
     transfer to its composition of the property of Republic Kyrgyzstan
or of any other person made on a gratuitous basis;
     creation or  acquirement of property at the expense of the finance
belonging to a local kenesh or local state administration.
     Denationalization and privatization of the communal property shall
be performed by the State Property Fund and by territorial agencies  of
the  SPF  in cooperation with local state administrations in compliance
with current legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
      Article 37.
      Business relationships of local governance bodies and local state
administration  with  enterprises  (associations),  organizations,  and
agencies  not  being  the  communal  property shall be based of tax and
contractual basis.
     Local state administration may:
     subject to industrial capacities and  economic  interests  of  the
enterprises  located  in  the  certain  territory order them production
(works,  services) satisfying  the  needs  of  the  population  of  the
administrative-territorial unit;
     impose within its competence the penalties provided  by  laws  and
regulatory acts of Republic Kyrgyzstan for violation of the legislation
in force.
     Article 38.
     Local state administration  shall  work  out  and  submit  to  the
corresponding  local  kenesh  for  approval  draft  programs  of social
development of the territory subject to the interests of the population
and  environment  protection  as well as to the material and financial,
and labor resources,  maximum use of local  capacities  and  industrial
reserves, nature protection, and observance of social guarantees of the
     Social and   economic   development   draft   programs   for   the
enterprises,  organizations,  and  agencies   not   included   in   the
composition  of  the  local  economy  shall  be  liable  to  obligatory
coordination with the respective local state  administration  regarding
land   use,   use   of  water  and  other  natural  resources,  capital
construction,  production of consumption,  provision of paid  services,
use of labor resources,  nature protection, and other aspects of social
development.  The results of coordination shall be  formalized  in  the
form  of  agreements  between  the  local  state administration and the
corresponding economic entities.
     Article 39.
     Material and technical provision of the  local  governance  bodies
and  local economy entities shall be independently performed by them in
the market relations environment.
     Exchange of  production  among  the territories shall be made on a
contractual basis in the environment of open territorial markets.
     Article 40.
     Local state  administration  shall  establish   foreign   economic
relationships   and   participate   in  them  in  accordance  with  the
legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan,  plan the development of the export
and  growth  of  the regional production,  and assist in development of
foreign economic relationships of enterprises and organizations located
in the subordinated territories.
     Local state administration and the bodies established by the local
state administration may:
     enter into sale agreements with foreign partners at the expense of
the foreign currency in their possession or on some other basis;
     establish joint  ventures  producing  consumer  goods,   providing
services to the population, or carrying out housing construction;
     scientific, cultural, tourist, and physical culture and recreation
centers,   and   other   organizations   designated  for  economic  and
scientific-technical cooperation;
     make decisions  on  the issues associated with organization of the
free economic zone;
     organize trade in the regions near the borders.
                                Part VI
                          Financial Basis of
                           Local Governance
     Article 41.
     Financial resources   of   local   governance   and   local  state
administration shall consist of the budget funds of local keneshes  and
local  state  administration  as  well  as  of the funds of territorial
public local governance.
     Local state  administration  shall  annually form the local budget
project, submit it for approval to the corresponding kenesh, and fulfil
the  budget.  Any other bodies shall not be permitted to interfere with
the process of development,  approval,  and fulfillment  of  the  local
budget  except  the cases connected with non-observance of the norms of
allocations of the common state taxes and  revenues  confirmed  by  the
keneshes  of  he  superior  territorial  level,  or  of  the amounts of
     Minimum local  budgets  shall  be  determined  based on the budget
standards per one inhabitant established in Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Article 42.
     Revenues and  expenses  of  local  keneshes  shall  be  formed  in
compliance  with  the  Law  of the Kyrgyz Republic On the Principles of
Budget Law in Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Articles 43-50. Excepted
     Article 51.
     Local state administration may form foreing currency funds at  the
expenseof  the allocations of the income derived in foreign currency by
enterprises (associations) and organizations regardless of the type  of
     Article 52
     Financial basis  of  the  activities  of  territorial public local
governance bodies shall be comprised  of  voluntary  contributions  and
donations made by enterprises (associations),  organizations, agencies,
or the population, and proceeds from the established enterprises and of
the carried out measures.
     Local keneshes  may,  upon  recommendation  of  the  local   state
administration,  transfer a portion of their financial resources to the
territorial public local governance bodies.
     Territorial public  local  governance bodies may independently use
the financial resources at their disposal  according  to  the  aims  of
their activities, including maintenance of the bodies being established
by them.
     Article 53. Excepted
                               Part VII
                Guarantees of the Local Governance and
                   Local State Administration Rights
     Article 54.
     Formation or reformation of he  objects  of  economic  and  social
designation,  and  use of natural resources in a subordinated territory
shall be performed by consent of the local state administration.
     Enterprises (associations),     organizations,     and    agencies
irrespective of subordination and the type of ownership may  not  amend
the  plans  of  their  activities  regarding  the  issues stipulated by
agreements with the local state  administration,  and  shall  mandatory
coordinate  with the respective local state administration the measures
that may cause ecological, demographic, or other consequences affecting
the interests of the population.
     Article 55.
     Local governance bodies shall implement their activities on behalf
of the population of the corresponding territory and on  the  basis  of
the legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Decisions of referendums,  meetings, skhods of the citizens, local
keneshes,  and territorial public governance bodies shall be consistent
with the legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Decisions of  a  local  referendum  on  the issues referred by the
legislation to the jurisdiction of local governance  shall  be  binding
upon  the  corresponding  local  keneshes,  local state administration,
territorial public local governance bodies,  and any organizations  and
citizens in the respective territory.
     Decisions of local keneshes taken within their competence shall be
binding  upon any enterprise,  organization or agency regardless of the
type of ownership located in  the  corresponding  territory,  and  upon
officials, public associations, and citizens.
     Local keneshes  may  not  consider  the  issues  referred  to  the
jurisdiction  of  local  state  administration  by this Law or by other
legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Local state administration may not consider the issues referred to
the jurisdiction of local keneshes by this Law or by other  legislation
of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Officials and citizens shall be made liable in accordance with the
procedures  established  by  the  legislation for non-observance of the
decisions of local keneshes and/or of the acts issued  by  local  state
     Article 56.
     Local keneshes and local state administration may:
     file to the court claims on annulment of the acts  issued  by  the
bodies  of  state  or  local  governance,  enterprises,  organizations,
agencies,  or public associations offending rights and legal  interests
of the citizens residing in the certain territory, or the rights of the
local kenesh or the local state administration;
     take action  provided  by  the  legislation  and aimed at physical
safety of the  citizens,  at  protection  of  their  rights  and  legal
interests,  and of all types of property, and at maintenance of law and
order in case of natural calamity,  ecological catastrophes, epidemics,
epizootic, fires, or violations of public order.
     The head of an oblast or Bishkek  city  state  administration  may
petition  the President of Republic Kyrgyzstan and/or the Government of
Republic Kyrgyzstan,  and the head of a rayon,  town, and a rayon (in a
town)  state  administration  -  the head of the oblast or Bishkek city
state administration for annulment or suspension of the acts issued  by
the superior bodies of state governance.
     Article 57.
     Enterprises (associations),  organizations, agencies, and citizens
shall  be  liable  to  local  governance   bodies   and   local   state
administration  including  liability  with  their  property  and  shall
reimburse in full the damages caused by  their  decisions,  action,  or
inaction   to  the  interests  of  he  population,  local  economy,  or
environment as well as the damages resulted from nonobservance  of  the
decisions of local governance bodies or local state administration.
     Rights of local governance bodies and local  state  administration
established  by law may not be infringed or limited except the cases of
public necessity provided by the legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Rights and  legal  interests  of local governance bodies and local
state administration  shall  be  defended  in  court  or  in  court  of
arbitration in compliance with the legislation of Republic Kyrgyzstan.
     Article 58.
     Local governance  bodies  and  local state administration shall be
liable for lawfulness of their decisions.
     Disputes on   restoration   of  offended  rights  of  enterprises,
organizations, or agencies regardless of the type of ownership, arising
as  a  result  of action or inaction of local governance or local state
administration bodies, shall be settled in court.
     Local governance  bodies shall compensate the harm caused by their
unlawful decisions, action, or inaction at their own expense.
     Article 59.
     The supreme bodies of state governance and state administration of
Republic  Kyrgyzstan  shall consider and take into account proposals of
the local governance bodies and of the local state administrations, and
to  notify  them of the results of consideration in compliance with the
procedures established by the legislation.
     President of the Republic Kyrgyzstan              A.Akaev