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Now I have laid in a couple of hills in the distance using the paintbrush tool and the SMALLEST brush size. I select a black from the swatches tab that is just slightly darker than my clouds. In this case it is the 12th box from the left in the second row.
As I lay in the distant hills I accomplish this by holding down the left mouse click and "shake" the mouse up and down to create the tree tops. I continue this method all the way to the bottom of the hills. I could have simply darkened in the base of the hills but by this method I continue to show some "action".
(Note that there is some "stringiness" at the bottoms of the hills. We'll use that to our advantage next!).
I now use the smudge tool and "pull" that "stringiness" down into the field paying particular attention to the angles. Tilted to form the base of the hills then leveling out to form the level land in between. I have also added some black to the foreground in order to show some variation in the field.
I now lay in a big tree in the foreground. I select the paintbrush tool and a medium size from the brush tab to render the trunk. The black that I use for this tree is slightly darker than the trees. In this case I have selected the 14th box from the left in the second row. Remember, things are darker in value as they come to the front of the painting. I then switch to the SMALLEST brush size to lay in the branches.
Now to finish up! Using the paintbrush tool and the same black as the big tree, I lay in an old fence. I highlight it a little with a dark gray. I lay in some grass sprigs around the base of the tree and the front two fence posts at their base.
I have also added a rock in the foreground and have pulled up some grassy things in the right foreground to act as an eyeblocker. Also I added some gray across the field in the distance to reflect some of the moonglow. (Careful, not too much!)
You might, of course, wish to add more things to your final offering. Go right ahead, be inventive! Just be careful not to "light up" your foreground. Keep most things in dark shadows.

And there you have it! A simple, easy to do, little painting that will hopefully start you to think about using black tonal values to render darkness. I hope you had as much fun reviewing this lesson as I had painting it!