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    As you know I am in the process of planning the next "Get-Away Weekend"! I have held these in several parts of the United States and they are always a solid favorite among the guests at the site. By experience we have come to know the best ways to accommodate those who attend.
    In the past I have arrived at the getaway location on Friday afternoon and am there to greet those who come in on Fridays. The bulk of our visitors either arrive late Friday evening or early Saturday morning.
    The host cities have been wonderful to us in the past even providing, on some occasions, free meals and lodging! At any rate, you need only get to the event and provide your own lodging arrangements. All of the art seminars, etc. are 100% free. I usually give a free art seminar on Saturday mornings. This is great fun and educational and it also allows us to be in one place for those who arrive later on Saturday morning. For the last couple of Get-Away's we have been luck enough to have a guest artist which have been some of the most noted in the US!
    After a casual group lunch we go to a pre-arranged location and paint from the local landscape! This usually lasts until dark and there have been times when we could barely see to get to our vehicles! This exchange of ideas and painting styles is a huge favorite. The evening is usually spent visiting among the assembly and getting better aquatinted.
    Sunday morning's have been some of the best times of the entire weekend. At our last getaway we were surprised by a van that arrived to take us all to the local art center. This was provided by the host city and they even opened the center just for us! I am not sure what lies in wait for us on this trip but I am sure it will be great fun!
    At noon on Sunday we regretfully say our goodbye's and most depart for the trip back to their homes. If you have never attended one of these events you own it to yourself to make the trip. Some long-term friendships have been started at these events and I know many, many people who stay in touch with those they have met.

    Here is one way that you can help. In the past, the one problem we have had is deciding just where and when to hold these events. Invariably, when we hold one in Atlanta I get letters saying "If only it were closer to me".! If we are in Florida, I get letters from New Jersey saying that they would like to attend if it were closer.
    So in order to find out the best, most convenient, location and time for this next event I have put together a form to help me in finding a location nearest to the greatest number of people. I would be grateful if you would take a few moments to fill out the form below so that I might better serve you at the events. The information you provide will always be held in strict confidence.
    Once I have compiled the information I will post the location and time of our next "Get-Away Weekend"! I thank you for your efforts and I hope to see you.
                                                                             Roger Elliott

What is your name?(Optional)
What is your email address?
In what state do you reside?
Where would you like the "Get-Away" held? (north, south,etc.)

Enter a week-end date that would be convient for you.
Type comments here (max 200 characters)