Sassy's Place
May we never forget
Please Don't Need Me!
Dear Sir, Please don't need me. When you need me,
you are trying to fill a hole within yourself.
I cannot fill that hole. Only you can.
I cannot accept the responsibility of your happiness.
The stress of having the charge over something I cannot control,
I shall not bear. The image of the "perfect" one in your head,
I cannot fulfill. I am who I am and not a mirage.
I do not change my life for another I change for myself. I will make mistakes.
I will question my life.
I will undoubtedly change and mature with time.
I cannot make a guarantee for our future,
but I can promise today. Please don't need me.
I am not willing to take on such a responsibility.
I ask of you, instead, to want me.
Wanting is not a suffocating feeling that grasps to be fulfilled.
It is a feeling of love, a true love for your self and for me.
It views me being in your life as the icing on the cake not the flour, eggs, or milk.
When I am not around your life is still complete.
You can breathe and find joy in your surroundings.
The same is for me. And when together,
nothing can stop the joy from reaching great magnitudes.
So, again I ask of you, please don't need me! Want Me!
Deepak Chopra


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