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Angelo's culture page
Italian litterature  Home page
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This page is dedicate to visitors interested in Italian litterature.  The links are linked to Italian and English pages still related to Italians litterature
Dante, Petrarca, Foscolo ed altri scrittori/poeti/filosofi antichi e contemporanei saranno gli ospiti ai qulai  andra'  il merito di fare di questa pagina "La pagina della cultura Italiana".
Il contenuto sara' in Inglese ed in Italiano pero' altre lingue saranno integrate in un prossimo(forse non distante!) futuro.

I hope you will enjoy the contents of this page and have a nice ....browsing.

If you want to E mail any interesting site related to the subject/s of this page please feel free and E mail me at the following E mail address :

Ciao a tutti.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.

The idea of this page is to converge links from other site related to subjects such as litterature, Poetry, History,etc.

Thanks for your visit and come back again!

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