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The Anti-Racisme
Web Page links
This site is purely anti racist and against any form of discrimination. If you are proud to belong to the human race and not just to belong to a certain race, then come in, otherwise do cme in you may find out that even if we have different skin colours, religions and cultures we still belong to the same sky.

Many pictures showing what racisme is about and what sort of people are supporting it. This web page is a non profit initiative.

"Welcome in brother."

The face of racisme"
Links to hate sites -If you easily get offended do not enter this site. Links page -Great site
Danish racisme links - Do not enter if you think is a joke! The site is in Danish and English. The Holocaust and Hitler madness -
Is this the truth?  Only God knows the truth.   We can only express our individual truth.
 The Holocaust map in Europe.
Click here to visit the web page with a map of the European and Northen Italy locations of the Nazi-Fascist second world war concentration Kampf.  The site is in Italian
Scandinavian Nazi link.
This is another link to the dark site of Scandinavia : Racisme, pure race , White power etc.  The pages are in Scandinavian and English,  The all is there for you to read.  Do not enter if you get easily offended when it comes to racisme.
Le leggi razziali fasciste.
Le leggi antisemite e razziste del periodo fascista Italiano.
 Atti depositati del processo ad Andreotti.
Ancora un link con un site che in modo non ufficiale funge da archivio storico della cronaca politica Italiana.
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This is a free site and we do not take any responsability for any abusive, racist or discriminating language which may be used by some visitor via E mail. So do not give your e-mail if you can't coope with replies containing abusive language.