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                        Hello and Welcome to



Welcome to my world. I hope you find something here

that makes you smile and maybe something that you

can share with someone else to maybe brighten their day.

 I enjoy collecting teddy bears and all sorts of candles.

I also enjoy a variety of crafts and taking an active role in my church.

My boys are the center of my world as you should be able to see

if you visit the page which I have dedicated to them. My husband and I

have been married for 21wonderful years and yes we have had our ups

and downs but who's life doesn't have that.


And I can't forget about my friends, online and offline.

Thank you all for your support and friendship.

Friendship means alot to me. Some of my friends have donated

portions of their work for me to include in my pages and

I say thank you to all of you.


Please enjoy your visit and if you see something that I have used

that belongs to you or to someone you know and proper credit

is not given please let me know so I can make sure it is okay to

use it and to give proper credit. If anyone has any suggestions please

feel free to e-mail me with those and I will give considerable

consideration to those suggestions.

Thank you again for visiting my pages here at angelfire. Lou.

Come to my pages where I bear all. Opps I mean show you my bears.

Just click on the bear.    


I enjoy poetry and have place a few of my favorites in a site


My friend Dave Sanders has written many poems which he has sent to me.

He has graciously consented to allow me to place them in a web site.     


Speaking of poetry, my husband also has written a few poems

which he has placed at this site.   


He also asked that I place a link to his site called

Angels In Blue which is a police related site.  





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