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More Awards...

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer's Award

These two planned this award in Victoria Grove! Its the Gift of the Gab award for sites with great information. What the two of them are looking for this time is sites that have unique information such as bloopers, current reports on the play, or information about the actors in it. If you think you have some great information on your site, Fill out an application! Good luck!

Macavity's Award

If you're brave enough to win this award, feel free to apply! Macavity has me to tell you about his award for mysterious sites. Anything that has to do with him will boost your chances up a lot! Good luck, and... be careful!

Mungojerrie's Humerous Site Award

No one has a sense of humor like Mungojerrie...except for maybe you! Try winning an award from the humerous cat himself. If your site has funny jokes, stories, pics, or any other funny things, e-mail me and Mungojerrie! We'll stop by and look at what you've got!