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When Electra left the junkyard, she didn’t know where she was going. She kept glancing back, wandering if this was the right thing to do. “Of course it is,” she thought. “No one will miss me.” She ran for half of the night, and fell asleep in unknown territory.

Electra woke up right at the break of dawn. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She felt like a totally new cat. She stood up, and turned towards the direction of the junkyard. She was ready to go back. She turned one way, and then the next, not remembering exactly how she came. “Well Electra,” she said to herself. “Follow your senses!” Electra turned around and ran right into Mungojerrie.

Electra backed up so she could actually see his face. He was taller than she was after all. “Well, well,” he said. “What ‘ave we got ‘ere?” Electra grinned. “Hey Mungojerrie. How ya been?” Mungojerrie smiled too. “We been pretty good, thank you. So, Electra, what ‘re you running from?” Electra looked down. “I thought I was leaving the Jellicles, but when I woke up this morning I realized I didn’t want to.” Electra sighed and looked back up. “I need a change of scenery, ya know?” Mungojerrie put on a serious expression and nodded. “Yea, yea. We see what you mean. Me and Rumpleteazer, we feel the same way sometimes.” He put his paw to his chin. Electra was confused. “Why do you keep saying ‘we’ if you’re the only one here?” Mungojerrie gave one of his famous lopsided grins. “Who says I’m alone?” He whistled, and out from behind a dumpster came Rumpleteazer herself. “ ‘Ello Electra!” she exclaimed. She leaned on Mungojerrie’s shoulder. “I ‘ear you need a change ‘o scenery.” Electra nodded. Rumpleteazer squinted her eyes. “Well…” she said. “ ‘Old on.” Mungo and Rumple turned their back to Electra and began to whisper furiously. “OH COME ON!” Rumpleteazer said suddenly. They both turned around, looked at Electra, and then began to whisper again.

When they finally turned back around they were both smiling. “Well…” said Mungojerrie. “You say you need a change ‘o scenery. I think…”he got an elbow in the stomach from Rumpleteazer. “We think…we could probably provide that for you.” Electra smiled. “That would be great!” Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer smiled. “ ‘Ey!” Rumpleteazer said suddenly. “You can’t be with us unless you allow us to call ya a different name!” Electra’s smile faded. “Well…” she said. “What name would that be?” Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer turned around to whisper again. Electra sighed heavily when they had been turned around for awhile. They turned around with a puzzled expression on their face. “Well…” said Mungojerrie. “We don’t know. What would you like to be called?” Electra’s face lit up. “I know!” she said happily. “ ‘Ow about Electra!?” she said, imitating the cats. They both tried to stop a smile, but failed at the attempt. “Oh, oh, oh!” Rumpleteazer suddenly said, her eyes lighting up. “ ‘Ow about Electricity?” Electra thought about it for a moment, and then smiled. “That’s good!” she said happily. “Purr-fect!” Mungo said. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer returned to Victoria Grove with a new friend, and perhaps a new apprentice.

Over the next few weeks, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer trained Electricity to be a cunning thief. They even gave her instructions on how to be a quick-change comedian, a tightrope walker, and an acrobat!

One day, the three of them were sitting in their center of operations discussing where their next robbery would take place. “Now…”Mungo began. “Me thinks that we should start ‘oer by th’ old warehouse, the one across from that ‘Friend At Hand’ place.” Rumpleteazer moaned. “Why do we always ‘ave to do what YOU want us to do?” Mungojerrie sighed, and looked exasperated. “What do you suggest?” “Me thinks we should start BELOW the old warehouse, that way we won’t be seen by Macavity. This isn’t one ‘o his assignments you know,” she said, fingering her pearls with fondness. “No,” said Mungojerrie. “We will start ‘ere.” The three of them looked over the rough sketch of the next robbery. “Bugger Mungo! You drive me up th’ wall sometimes, you know that?” Rumpleteazer glared at him, and reached up to touch her pearls. She always does this when she gets excited. When her hand went to her neck, she realized the pearls were gone! “Me pearls! Me pearls!” she yelled. She fell to the ground and began to search for them. “Bugger! What did you do with ‘em Mungo? Why did ya take those for?” Mungojerrie was as shocked as she was. “I didn’t take ‘em. You must ‘ave dropped ‘em somewhere!” He got on the ground and began to search for them too.

Electricity sat back, watching all of this. Suddenly she burst into laughter. She heard Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer’s heads bang together under the table, and heard them curse in unison. Both of their heads popped up at the same time. “ ‘Ere! What ‘re you laughin’ at?” Rumpleteazer asked. “Oh nothing,” said Electricity. “I’m just admiring my brand new set of pearls!!” Electricity stood up dangling them from her paw. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer’s mouths opened in shock. “ ‘Ow did you…” she said. Mungojerrie laughed. “See there?” he said. “Looks like Electricity has outsmarted you, Teaz!” he laughed even harder. “It’s not funny!” she said angry. A small smile creeped onto her lips. “I say, its not funny!” Rumpleteazer burst into laughter, and soon, all three cats were rolling on the floor.

Later that night, the three of them sat in the alley, looking through their new treasures. “Lookie ‘ere!” Mungo said. Both girls watched as he pulled out a fancy stopwatch. “That’s nice, it is!” “Wow Jerrie!” The two girls giggled at there same expression. Mungojerrie looked disgusted. “I promise…” he said, “I’ll never get used to you female cats. You all ‘re so strange!” This made Electricity and Rumpleteazer laugh even harder.

“Hey,” Electricity said as soon as the laughter died down, “what else are we going to do tonight?” Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer grinned at each other, and looked back at Electricity. Mungojerrie stood up and played a tune on a pretend- horn. Rumpleteazer stood up. “Felines and….feline.” She faked a confused look. “We will be attending the…..” She and Mungo put their arms around each other and began to dance. “JELLICLE BALL!!!!” Electricity smiled and got up. They all three danced together. “Now now…” she said. “Let’s save our energy till we get there!” she said laughing. And with that, all three cats ran off to the Ball.

She couldn’t wait until she saw her old friends again… and so they could meet the new improved Electricity!

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