Name: Kodin Malar
Position: Assitant Science Officer
Rank: Ensign
Species: Bajoran
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Light brown
Distingushing Features: Besides the usual nose ridges? Well, I do have a scar on my right arm that I refuse to let anyone heal. I got that scar when I was practicing knife fighting techniques with my older brother, Damas. He didn't mean to hurt me. It was a pretty deep cut so he ran to get my mother. I never saw him again. The Cardassians killed him because he wasn't in his designated area.
Family Background: I had two brothers. You already know about Damas but my oldest brother, Kelvim, died three years ago. He was a Maquis and when the Cardassians joined with the Dominion, he was killed along with the rest of the Maquis.
Childhood: I grew up in a Bajoran labor camp and joined the Resistance when I was 15. I had no childhood.
Academy Highlights: I managed to only get into two fights while attending the Academy.
Career Highlights: I don't really have any yet. I went into the Academy studying to be a tacticle officer and came out in a blue uniform instead.
Personal Life: I like to spend time with my friends, practice Klingon martial arts, and pray to the Prophets when I get off duty.
Personality: I consider myself to be a kind and understanding person but beware my temper.
Likes: I like people I can trust.
Dislikes: I hate Cardassians. They may have turned against the Dominion but what they did to the Bajoran people was wrong!
Personality Quirks: Unless you have a deathwish, never speak kindly of a Cardassian in my presence.
Why Character Joined Starfleet: I wanted to make a difference. Also, Kelvim made me promise him that I wouldn't join the Maquis. He always was protective of me.
Favorite Quote(s): "Trust the Prophets for they will have set a path for you to follow. Don't be afraid of the road ahead, yet don't be afraid to follow your own Pagh. May the Prophets guide you in whatever decisions you make." - me "Live long and prosper." - Vulcan saying.