Name:Durok Mojh
Positon:Asst TO Security #1
Height:6' 8"
Hair Color:black
Eye Color:steel grey
Distingushing Features:standard Cardasian facial ridges, scar running from the left shoulder to left wrist, tattoo of a tiger-like animal on his back
Family Background:unknown
Academy Highlights:finished 8th in class, proved an excelent student of all forms of martial arts, nearly expelled when he accidentaly killed a class member during combat training. Sentence commuted to 2 months in psychitric treatment.
Career Highlights:just starting
Personal Life: single. No real interest in pursuing anything more than a professianal relationship w/ other crew members.
Personality:quiet, reclusive. Will deffend fellow crew-mates out of respect as fellow entities, runs and hides when people try to congratulate him for his bravery, for reasons he cannot even fathom.
Likes:late 20th century Earth (Terra Sol) rock music, challanges of both mental and physical prowess, holo-sims of secluded, moonlitforest clearings.
Dislikes:congatulations for acts of bravery he feels are part of his duty, the Dominion (possible explination for his missing past), war proffitteers (i.e. Ferengi and other such ilk.)
Personality Quirks:sullen, feels responsible for the welfare of crewmates, to the point of mania. Periods of acute paranoia,accompanied by sharp headaches, and disturbing dreams that he can't recall, even w/the most advanced psychiatric techniques
Why Character Joined Starfleet:motives unclear at this time,although there is no evidence that Durok is or could possibly be a spy.
Favorite Quote(s): "Welcome to Hell. Enjoy your stay." "Nothing is as real as it seems. Remember that." "The only good Jem'Hedar is a dead Jem'Hedar.