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Name: Rashad H. Erakat

Rank: Lt. Commander, CMO

Species: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Height: 5’ 11"

Weight: 185

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Distinguishing Features: None

Family Background: Mother, Three Brothers, One Sister, (Father died in accident)Childhood: As a kid was struggling with the person that I was. I was different from most of my classmates, actually all my classmates because I was not from their area. This only drove me to succeed even more. I was accepted into the academy right out of high school.

Academy Highlights: Being the first person to synthesize a ganglion fiber on the human spinal cord, giving a person with paralysis the ability to walk again.

Career Highlights: None, yet!

Personal Life: Does it look like I have time for a personal life?!!!!!

Personality: Charming, once you get used to me.

Likes: Almost Everything.

Dislikes: Almost nothing.

Personality Quirks: I am a hothead when it comes to someone disagreeing with me, otherwise I have a great personality.

Why Character Joined Starfleet: To help make a difference.

Favorite Quote(s): One Man Can Make A Difference!