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Name: Leif Sorensen
Rank: Lieutenant Commander, ? (somewhere that he can keep an eye on Durok,
but won't supercede Mojh's position [a little help from the mods, please])
Species: Human/Cyborg
Sex: m
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 193lbs
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: saphire blue
Distinguishing Features: neural implant jack on neck just under right ear,
mennacing presence

Family Background: father was a merchant killed by Romulans, mother was a
farmer on Omicron VII
Childhood: Rasied by mother, middle of 5 brothers. Childhood uneventful
except for the death of his father. Was always somewhat of a bully.

Academy Highlights: Finished 3rd in class, exellent student of history and
Career Highlights: secret agent of Section 31, ganied many mechanical
enhancements from bio-tech experiments, recieved a commindation from
Starfleet for saving the life of his captain when an 'assasin' tried to kill
him (actually a failed weapons experiment by Section 31). Second in command
of the experiment that brainwashed Durok, as well as a few others.
Personal Life: none
Personality: cold, ruthless
Likes: sleight of hand, illusionists, (torture)
Dislikes: people that get in the way of what he want's to do.
Personality Quirks:flair for the dramatic
Why Character Joined Starfleet: Leif wanted to avenge his father.
Favorite Quote(s): "Checkmate."