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Name: Tenak

Position:Command Assistant

Rank: Lt. Commander

Species: Vulcan

Sex: M

Age: 30

Height: 6'3'

Weight: 175

Hair Color: black

Eye Color: black

Distingushing Features: none

Family Background: Third of 6 children. Son of Tempok

Childhood: Born and raised on Vulcan

Acadmey Highlights: Graduated 2nd in class. Skills in many fields including: piloting, counseling, leadership skills

Career Highlights: Academy Graduate, Served three years on the USSPascal and five years on an exploration mission at colony 245 Personal Life: (Unknown)

Personality: Calm in most situations

Likes: Time alone in meditation

Dislikes: Flawed human emotions

Personality Quirks: Various to personal views

Why Character Joined Starfleet: For learning and expansion of logic and the mind

Favorite Quote(s): "Lo"