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Ship Name: U.S.S. Desoto

Ship Regristry: NCC-1654-G

Ship Classification: Conquistador Class

Ship Type:Science/Flagship

Ship Designer:Ivan Stretstev

Ship Design Area:Utopia Plantia Fleet Yards,Mars

Ship Armament:80 type U phaser cannons
60 quantam torpedo systems
160,000 quantam torpedos
2.8 GW Shields

Special Ship Systems:
Matter/Anti-Matter Power/Propulsion Transwarp System
KF532 warp core/power generation system
Multi-phaysic Shielding
Threshaholdic shielding
Multilayered shields
Sun Generators
"Sant" armor
XR30 Federation Interphase/Cloaking Device
Warp-Bubble Technology
Metaphasic Shielding
Active Torpedo System
Active Shield System
Active Phaser System

Ship Specs:
Length:630 Meters
Width: 490 Meters
Depth: 300 meters
Top Speed: Warp 22
Top Thruster Speed:38,000 kps
Top Impulse Speed: 119% of Full Impulse
Top Warp Speed: Warp 13 crusing, Warp 22 Emergency Speed

Crew Compliment: About 2500
Command: 15
Officers: 1885
Civilians: 500

Current Status of Ship: Ship is in synchronous orbit around UFP-7211.

Description: The Desoto is the is a very important ship. . The crew of the ship, and the ship are locked up under heavy security, where people with level 2, and level 1 can access vital areas of the ship, since this is the flagship of the UFP.