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Name: Victoria Soong


Rank: Lieutenant

Speices: Q acting as human

Sex: Female

Age: about 24 human body years

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 150 lbs

Hair color: Shoulder lenght brown/blonde

Eye color: Green that changes to blue

Distingushing Features: Pretty smile that is shown a lot, photo-graphicmemory.

Family background: Father is the "Leader" of the Continuum. He is very protective, but has learned to let her go. Was happily married to Lieutentant Commander Data Soong for five wonderful years. Became awidow in the Dominion War, about two years ago.

Childhood: Has been every speices execpt Vulcan and Ferengi.

Academy Highlights: Was in the Acadimy for seven years, father madeher, studied everthing, is well trained in any field. Recieved perfect attendance, top of her classes.

Career Highlights: Was a member aboard the USS Enterprise 1701-D, USS Enterprise 1701-E, and then Deep Space Nine.

Personality: Cheerful, talkive, has great P.R. skills, well liked bymost, listens well, tries her hardest not to rub in the fact that she's a Q, wonderful sense of humor, hard-worker, loyal.