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hail the USS Desoto




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The Decks of the USS Desoto:

Command Crew

Captain Cal Johnson- Ultimately responsibe for the welfare and performance of the ship. Assigns duties, heads negotiations, interacts with Starfleet, and commands some away team missions.

XO (Executive Officer) Commander John Pesterfield- Handles most of the lesser duties of command. Assigns duties, settles disputes between crew and departments, heads most away team missions, commands bridge on Beta shift, and acts as liason between crew and captain.

Chief Science Officer Christopher Jules(CSO) - Is in charge of science department. Assigns tasks, sets priorities, allocates resources, coordinates with other department heads. Occasionally is part of away teams. During combat, the CSO scans the threat and helps determine tactics.

Chief Engineering Officer (CEO) Lt. Commander Horza- Is in charge of engineering department. Responsible for maintenance of ship and repairing combat damage. During combat, the CEO ensures a steady power supply and repairs ship's systems.

Chief Tactical Officer (C-Tac) Lt Comm Picard Q - Is in charge of maintaining combat readiness and assessing threats to the ship. Assigns tactical crew to away teams. During combat, the C-Tac fires weapons, repels boarders, protects the Captain, leads raiding parties, and gathers intelligence concerning the threat.

Starfleet Security Odo Q- Is in charge of maintaining combat readiness and assessing threats to the ship. This person's job is to survey the USS Desoto on its missions.

Chief Medical Officer (CMO)Rashad H. Erakat - Is in charge of the welfare and safety of the crew. Can relieve any crew member for medical reasons. During combat, the CMO conducts triage and assists in rescue efforts.

Ops Officer Ken Warner- Is in charge of distributing power, allocating the ship's resources, settling disputes between departments over allocation, and obtaining supplies. Acts as ship's quartermaster.

Command Assistant Tenak--is in charge of preping mission breifings and away teams.



Other Department Heads

These positions do not result in command, although the crew may be in charge of away teams.

Flight Control Officer(FCO) - The FCO is the person who pilots/navigates the ship. Flies most shuttles on away missions.

Diplomatic Officer (DO)- Is the liason officer for the Federation Diplomatic Corps. Assists in negotiations and acts as the eyes of the Federation Council.

Counselor Victoria Soong- Responsible for the mental health of the crew. Assists in negotiations, is part of many away teams, and acts as morale officer.

Assistant Crew Positions

Assistant Science Officer (A-Sci) Ensign Kodin Malar- Assists in the running of the science department and goes on most away teams.

Assistant Science Officer (A-Sci) T'Lera- Assists in the running of the science department and goes on most away teams.

Assistant Tactical Officer (A-Tac) Durok Mojh- Assists in the running of the Tactical department and goes on most away teams. Also heads the Tactical department on Beta-shift.

Assistant Tactical Officer #2 (A-Tac2) Sorensen- Assists in the running of the Tactical department and goes on most away teams. Also heads the Tactical department on Gamma-shift.

Assistant Engineering Officer (AEO) Lt. Winters -Assits in running of Engineer, leads many repair teams and is responsible for the repair teams.

Assistant Engineering Officer (AEO2) Locklear -Assits in running of Engineer, leads many repair teams and is responsible for the repair teams.

Asst. Medical Officer (AMO)B'Elanna Bashir--Assists CMO in operations,checkups,ect.