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How To Post

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Posting Symbols

Here are a few symbols you'll need to know to post: =^= means this is a comm signal. Use it at the beginning and the end of the message.

** ** means this is a computer message.

<<< >>> means this is a stage direction, like where you are and who's with you. Also denotes out of character (OOC).

[ ] means a description/stage direction " "means talking

Posting 101

Posting is much easier than you think. A post should do at least one of two things; 1) advance the storyline, or 2) help develop your character. You don't have to write like Shakespeare (forsooth! I smite thee with my phaser rifle!) or know what an EPS conduit looks like in order to do an effective post.

To advance the storyline, answer questions asked by other players, give ideas, interact with other characters, or just do something. We feed off each other's actions and end up moving the story along. Just have your characters do their jobs and you'll be fine.

As far as character development, that mostly involves writing about what your character thinks or feels. Feel free to post personal logs; they're a great way to work on your character.