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1. Posting
No posts should be formatted as done by other numerous RPG's  - they will
be found by the admin and the admin will tell the players to ignore that
particular post. We post in a 'novel', or storybook fashion. This should
come easy to you (you been learning this ever since grade school), even
easier than what these other Star Trek RPGs want in the way of posting.

Each member shall roleplay only their own character in any great detail.
Interaction with other member's characters is encouraged, and you can
use other member's character(s) in your post, but remember to keep other
member character's actions to a minimum. Never make any changes to
another persons post or character.

Use private e-mails for personal conflicts or to collaborate a story between
other members please. If a member(s) conflict becomes too heated,
please bring the matter to the Membership Director. What the Director will
try to do first is resolve the matter... if that fails, then other measures might
have to be tried.

One more thing. Never go out on a limb on your own . Feel free to ask

    1.1 Posting Rates
New members need to post  4 to 5 times week minimum, during the first

Full members need to post 3-5 times a week  minumum.

Quality of posting, not quantity of posts, will be considered when
promotions are considered. 

    1.2 Major vs Minor Plotlines
(NOTE: A "Storyline" implies a plotline already in play. A "Plotline" implies
a plan of events not currently in play).

As a general rule, follow the storyline and plotlines made by admin or the
CO unless you clear them with admin (or the CO). While we more than
allow members to make up their own plotlines, you must be aware that
there are two types: Major and Minor. 

Major : is any plotline that has a large effect on the roleplay of a
dutystation. This includes if the plotline affects three or more members on
a dutystation. Another example is when introducing a new plotline will
alter the course of an existing storyline. 

Minor : is any plotline that affects less than three characters, and will not
alter the course of a storyline already in play. As a member of the RPG,
you can create and implement Minor Plotlines on your own... we have no
problem with that. But when a Minor Plotline becomes Major (or if a
member has a Major Plotline idea), then we'd like to see what the idea is.
Email your CO or the Storyline Manager as to your ideas. More likely than
not, we will allow the idea to proceed. 

    1.3 Headings
Use Character name, rank and dutystation as a heading at the start of the
message body in your email composition.  EXAMPLE:
        Captain K'Alyssa

    1.4 Subject Line Headings
The subject line of your email composition should start with either: 
    a.subject of post of character and subject of post
    1.5 Message Body Formatting
We only use a few headings, as seen above. In the message body, there
are some things you should be aware of that should be used.

NRPG is to be used when a NON ROLEPLAYING message is added to your
post. This could be anything - most often, members will use it to comment
on something in their post, or an explanation of something, or just to call
a matter to another member about something in the post.

RPG , short for ROLEPLAYING GAME, should come before you begin your
post (or begin again from an NRPG heading). RPG is used to show where
in your message body is actually the roleplaying part of the post. 

    1.6 How to post to the RPG
There has been some concern about this, and this section will present
what NOT to do when a member posts to the RPG:

1) Do not forward other member's posts in your own post. Quoting is fine.
When you quote, please put a headline before and just after the quoted
2) Quoted material from other posts does not "count" as your post. It is still
someone else's post. (Yes - the Administration actively plays in the RPG,
so we know what's going on very closely)
3) Do not post your character in a few sentences or one paragraph.
Roleplay please. Write about your character's thoughts, actions, etc. That
is the stuff of drama. To do otherwise is the stuff of less-than-mediocre
4) Post to your dutystation please. See the Administration page for details
of this. Do not post to all members mailing list unless it is expressly
allowed by a CO or another Admin staff. The all members list use should
otherwise be considered "reserved" (reserved for use by Admin to make
announcements or other such emails to all members).

2. New Members
    Newly joined members shall be accorded the following guidelines:

1) New members are in a probationary period of 1 month. 
2) A new member must post within the first week that membership starts.
Failure to do so results in termination of membership. This policy is
unwavering and unalterable. 
3) After 1 month, and a new member has followed all the rules and
regulations herein, s/he is accorded full member status. Otherwise,
membership is terminated, barring any special considerations by the

3. Terminations
    A member of the Star Trek : The Final Frontier RPG club's
membership is terminated when:

1) Any member who does not post for 30 days will be terminated from the
game with no explanation given. No questions asked. If you have the
ability to send an email with an excuse why you haven't posted, you could
have posted anyway, right? Far too often, the administration has recieved
emails with why a member couldn't post... and even then, we were left
with disbelief. (This may seem very harsh to some of you, but the reason
why we are doing this is simple - we have had enough) 
2) Spamming other member's personal e-mail address is a reason for
immediate dismissal from the club. Same rule applies to any of the
mailing lists that are for use with the club. WE DO NOT CONDONE SPAM,
3) Using the club's mailing lists for any purpose other than in relation to
the RPG is considered spam. For example, this means DO NOT forward
jokes to the lists (even if it is Star Trek related - it is not RPG related). 
4) Foul Language or Harassment reasons for immediate termination .
We wish this club to remain a rated PG-13 in regards to content, and as
well, members should feel free from harassment. We, the administration,
will do everything we can to achieve this kind of stress-free environment
for roleplay. 
    The application's word is: transwarp

4. Ranks and Duties
    Ranks are as follows:
            Lieutenant Junior Grade (JG) 
            Lieutenant Senior Grade (SG) 
            Lieutenant Commander 
            Commander (or Executive Officer - XO) 
            Captain (or Commanding Officer - CO) 

    4.1 Field Duties

    Fields of specialty (along with their duties) are listed below in
alphabetical order:

Counselor : is in charge of moderating crew morale, and performing
minor operations duties in this regard. Keeps records of crew
psychological profiles, and is a psychiatrist (who is also trained in minor
medical skills). 
The Counselor is empowered to disempower a command officer if the
same officer is not acting according to Starfleet regulations and if the
officer seems to be acting out of their psychological profile. To do this, the
Chief Medical Officer must concur in this decision.
Chief Of Counselling (COC) is the department head.

Engineering : monitors displays of warp propulsion system, impulse
propulsion system, and related sub-systems. Bridge console allows
Engineering to monitor these systems. In crisis situations such as major
control systems failure, Engineering can manually operate each control or
servo device, which can also permit a large flexibility to reconfigure
system operations in response to unforseen situations.
Main Engineering serves as the ship's master control for hte warp systems.
Main Engineering also serves as a backup control center in the event that
the Bridge's control systems fail.
Monitors warp propulsion system status, impulse system status, and will
perform any necessary adjustments or reconfigurations as needed. Also,
will perform any repairs as necessary.
The Chief Of Engineering (COE) is the department head.

Helm / Navigation : in charge of navigational references and course
plotting, supervision of automatic ship flight operations, manual flight
operations, and position verification (according to navigation). During
impulse power, is responsible for monitoring relativistic effects as well as
the inertial damping systems.
The Chief Flight Officer (CFO) is the department head.

Medical : keeps track of crew medical records, and to perform medical
duties such as diagnosis, treatment, and patient monitoring. A medical
officer is a fully qualified Medical Doctor or Nurse. Doctors are in charge
of coordinating Nurse staff, and to prioritize medical emergencies as they
happen. Nurses will usually perform outpatient treatments and monitoring.
The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) is the department head, and makes
reports as to Sickbay status to the Command or to the Ops officer on the

Operations : in charge of scheduling ship's resources or hardware that
affect a number of departments. Coordinates department requirements
and activities in regard to mission requirements. In doing so, allocation of
resources is critical, and it is the Operations officer's responsibility. Also,
provides general status information to the ship's computer.
Notifies and assigns away team personnel with mission objective
information, and assigns away team with comm relay frequencies, and
issues (or notifies for issuance for) away team gear (such as tricorders,
phasers, environmental gear, etc).
Also, coordinates transporter operations, and sets priorities for transport.
Chief Of Operations (COO) is the department head.

Science : handles and interprets realtime scientific data and and relays
them to the command personnel. Sometimes, Science stations are
assigned with researchers for a mission specific cause. Other examples of
Science stations duties might be: control of an automated probe,
gathering interstellar dust samples from hazardous area, ongoing study of
stellar composition, and large volume observations.
Functions of the Science station include: 
- ability to provide access to sensors and interpretive software for primary
mission and command intelligence requirements, and to supplement Ops
in providing realtime scientific data for command decisionmaking support.

- ability to act as command post for coordination of activities of various
science laboratories and other departments
- ability to monitor secondary mission status
- ability to reconfigure and recalibrate sensor systems at a moment's
notice for specific situations.

Chief Science Officer (CSO) is the department head.

Security : responsible for internal ship security. Monitors crew
whereabouts, and crew safety. Also, during diplomatic or cultural
missions, provides security for diplomats, ambassadors, etc. During
high-level security measures, Security will use counter-intelligence to
attempt to negate possible sabotage or terrorist penetrations.
Handles personnel armory inventories and Security team personnel
Chief Of Security (COS) is the department head.

Tactical : is dedicated to defensive systems and helps coordinate with
Security for internal ship security. Handles the shields, phaser banks, and
photon torpedoes. Will receive tactical coordinates from the Helm/Nav
officer in regards to external hazards such as Threat vessels, potential
hostilities or naturally occuring phenomenon.
As well, Tactical handles employment of long and short sensor arrays,
sensor probes, message buoys, and tractor beam devices.
Tactical can also perform some Security duties.
Chief Tactical Officer (CTO) is the department head.

    4.2 Command Duties
    Go to the section entitled Administration Handbook .

5. Promotions
    Only the administration may promote members in the way of character
ranks. Aministration in this case include: the Commanding Officer or the
Membership Director (although the Director need not promote except in
special cases). Ideally, it should be up to the CO to perform promotion of

    Non-administrative members who post their characters as being
promoted, when there is no cause to do so, will find their posts becoming
corrected by the Storyline Manager (of course, repetition of this on a
member's part will make that member a "problem" member).

    Promotions are to be considered by the CO once a month. Please do
not ask for promotions.

6. Leave of Absences (LOA)
    If you have to take time off from the game, please email your CO or XO
about the intended LOA. Please include in the email who you are, which
character you play, and which dutystation(s) you play on, and most
importantly - the expected duration of the LOA.
    We do not accept "indefinite" LOAs.
    What happens if your ISP/computer/modem/etc  breaks down? The
answer to this is to use an online email service (such as Hotmail, Yahoo
Mail, etc), and to email us. Borrow a friend's computer and Net access to
email us. Use one of those Internet Cafes or a library's computers if one is
availible. In the western world, internet access is so readily availible and
abundant that there are means to communicate despite any kind of home
computer's tragic breakdown.