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Timberwolf's Photos

Wolf pictures and links.

Wolf Dreamcatcher

One Native American belief was that dreamcatchers were used
to catch all of the bad dreams while the good dreams
were allowed to pass through.
The wolf in the Cherokee's eyes was a messenger
to the spirit world. Elders admitted to learning much from them,
by listening to their lonely sounds. Killing a wolf caused game
to disappear and rendered useless the hunter's weapon until it underwent
a cleansing ceremony performed by the ada'webi, the shaman-magician.
If such a one were not available, the hunter could do much toward
saving the weapon by placing it in a swift stream overnight.
Then he must clean it thoroughly, or he could give it to a child to play with,
make it a toy for a time.
He must be aware, however, that retribution from the wolves could be expected,
Revenge: death for death.

Wolves at Dusk

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Or Read About Me on Page Three

Wolf Song Design

Wolfsong Graphics

Ginger's Exotic Cam - live wolves refreshed every 15 seconds

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