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Have you ever lost something that had sentimental value,such as a ring,a childhood toy,a bracelet,or a pet? Have you searched everywhere,but couldn`t find it? Well,maybe you need to pray to Saint Anthony of Padua,the patron saint of lost or stolen articles.

Saint Anthony was born in Portugal in 1195. He was a Franciscan monk. Over a period of nine years,he preached,converted,and performed miracles around France,Sicily,and Italy. One day,when Saint Anthony was staying with a friend in the city of Padua,his friend came home and saw brilliant rays of light shining beneath the door. He peered through the keyhole,and saw a beautiful child standing on a book on the table,and he was holding on to Anthony`s neck with both of his arms. When Anthony opened the door,he told the host never to tell anyone as long as he lived. In 1231,at the age of 36,he died.

Saint Anthony is said to be the patron saint of lost or stolen articles because of an event in his own life. A person from his monastery stole his favorite salter,and left to go to another town.Saint Anthony prayed,and his student returned,asking to be forgiven. Saint Anthony forgave him and let him rejoin the monastery.

So now if you have lost anything at all,pray to Saint Anthony of Padua,and see what happens.