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Saint Bartholomew was one of the twelve apostles. We don`t know his given name. The name Bartholomew is a family name which means bar-Talmai. This is translated as son of Talmai. Many people believe he is The Nathanael of whom Jesus said, "Behold a true Israelite in whom there is no guile!" (John 1:47)

Bartholomew was a missionary to many countries and preached in India where he left behind a copy, in Hebrew, of the Gospel of Matthew.

Bartholomew was one of the bravest people I`ve ever heard of. Think of the courage and faith it took to be skinned alive. Some say he was also crucified after being skinned. Because he died for us he is considered a martyr. This is a really tough guy!

Saint Bartholomew is one of the best people to pray to for courage or faith when you are standing up for what it right. It`s hard today to hang tough when it sometime seems as if everyone is against you, but take an example from Saint Bartholomew.

Saint Bartholomew`s feast day is August 24. He is the patron saint of Armenia, where he died. Armenia is where the Ark of the Covenant came to rest and also where the dove of peace carried its olive branch back to Noah on the ark.