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Have you ever been discriminated against because of you religion, race, gender or what you look like? If so, this is the sister you should pray to. Sister Chikaba was an African princess born in 1676 in the west African country now called Guinea. Many people are promoting her for canonization. If she does become Saint Teresa Chikaba, she would become one of the few black female saints in the history of the church. As a young princess, Teresa eagerly went with her family to worship at Lucero, the God of their small kingdom. But when everyone bowed to worship, Teresa felt very disappointed. The people soon recognized Teresa`s gift for deep reflection. They admired the child helping the sick and encouraging the distressed. Her older brothers began to worry that the people would want her to become ruler after her parents instead of them, but Teresa reassured them that she had a different plan. When she was 10, she was kidnapped by Spanish sailors and taken as a slave. When they out she was royalty, they sold her to a wealthy family that made her part of the family. In the 1700`s she attempted to enter a convent but was refused due to her race. Finally she was accepted by the convent of the Dominican Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Mary Magdalane. However, the bishop would only allow her to be a maid in the convent. Finally, after several years and now with the bishops blessing, she was accepted as fully professed Dominican Sister. After 40 years of convent life, Sister Teresa died on December 6, 1784. Many miracles have occured due to Sister Teresa`s intercession and many people hope and pray for the day when Servant of God Teresa Chikaba is proclaimed a saint of the church.