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Do you want to know the stroy of the greatest man that ever lived? His name is Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. He is the creator of all that is good. So listen up to this great story about this great man. Now, let`s get down to business. This is how the story goes. Jesus was born about 2,000 years ago. He was born to the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. At the age of 12 he was found in the temple in Jerusalem preaching to the scholars!! He performed many miracles to show that he was the Son of God. He made some of his teachings into stories called parables so people could undersatand his messages. Shortly after he was baptized by John the Baptist, he selected 12 man to become the apostles also to help him teach. Even though people really loved Jesus there were even people who hated him. So he was brought to Pilate, to be thrown in jail. Pilate asked the crowed Barrabus or Jesus the crowd said "Barrabus, Barrabus, give us Barrabus." But Barrabus was a murderer. After they let Barrabus go Jesus was flogged, crowned with thorns, and given his cross to carry.When they arrived at Calvary they nailed Jesus to the cross. Jesus said "Father forgive them they know not what they do." That night Jesus died and Three days later Jesus rose from the dead in fullfillment of the scriptures. After that people knew that Jesus was really the Son of God. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right habd of the father. There are many things about Jesus that are not included in this story. So if you want to go into futher research, go to any search engine, type in the name Jesus, and you should get 100`s of sites to go to.