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Have you ever heard of the Holucaust? Most people believe that only Jews died in this terrible event. However this is wrong, Catholics died too! Saint Edith Stein is an example.

Edith was born on October 12, 1891. She was the youngest of seven children in a very devout Jewish family. Like most teenagers do Edith Stein began to question her faith. She claimed to be an atheist, and began to search for the truth. Later in her life Edith became a Christian and in 1922 was baptized a Catholic. In 1933 she entered the order of Carmel in Cologne and became a nun. During the Holucaust Edith was gassed and cremated because of her Jewish heritage. She was declared a saint October 11, 1998.

By praying to Saint Edith Stein she can help you to find the truth in Jesus that you are looking for.