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Thomas was born into a wealthy family in Italy in 1225. At the age of five he was sent to the Benedictine academy of Monte Cassino as a student. He had a tough time in school. Everyone in his class called him the "dumb ox" because he was fat and stupid. God gave Thomas graces of wisdom and knowledge. When Thomas went to complete his studies at the University of Naples, he became interested in the Dominican order and joined it. His parents did not want him to join, but they finally gave in. Thomas went around Europe teaching at the finest Universities. He wrote the Summa Theologica and other great works. Thomas traveled all over Europe for thirty years teaching what he knew. knew. He became ill and died on March 7, 1274.

Today his teachings are officially taught in the church. The Church named him a Doctor of the Church. Before he died, Jesus, on a cross, spoke to him and asked Thomas what he wanted as a reward for his service. Thomas replied, "Nothing, Lord, besides yourself." Thomas was a wise man, because he knew that real wisdom was love of God and God`s truth.