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Have you ever dreamed of doing something heroic? If so then here is a saint for you, a young teenage boy who was so brave that he was willing to risk his own life to bring Jesus to other Christians. All of the other early Christians recieved Communion daily and if they couldn`t recieve with other Christians, it was carried to them.

St. Tarsicius was an acolyte who lived in Rome during the third century. His feast day is August 15. St. Tarsicius suffered martyrdom in the second half of the third century. St. Tarsicius is a saint because while carrying the Blessed Sacarament he was attacked by a pagan mob and instead of allowing the Eucharist to be destroyed he fought the mob and was stoned to death. He was buried in the Catacombs of Pope Callistus on the Appian Way.

St. Tarsicius is also believed to be a Deacon because it was the Deacons responsibility to give Communion at special times and to carry the Eucharist between churches.

St. Tarsicius is a good saint to pray to for teens, because he is a patron saint for teenagers.

Ask him to help you stand up for your faith by praying to him about your problems.