Sorry, this one's a little blurry!! Tibicen pruinosa on my redbud tree 6/14/04
Female T. pruinosa newly emerged 6/13/04
I found this T. chloromera molting last night and saved him for photographing today -- just before I sent him on his way!! =) 6/15/04
This is the T. pruinosa that you saw newly emerged a few frames back. I set her on a fence post and managed to take her picture before she flew off. 6/15/04
Yet another T. pruinosa in my ash tree 6/15/04
Tibicen pruinosa nymph climbing one of the ash trees out back 6/15/04
Tibicen exit tunnels in my back yard (6/18/04). I suspect that most of my yard will look like this by the end of the summer...
Cicada exoskeleton on one of our cane (Arundinaria) stalks 6/18/04. I didn't even know they could CLIMB cane stalks!
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