You are visitor since 03-25-02
We have received hundreds of requests for help in finding ancestors. As a result, we developed this page in the hopes that it will be of help to many of you. I, myself, have been extremely involved in genealogy for over 10 years, and I know how exciting, time consuming and frustrating the process can be. But oh, how rewarding when you find that elusive ancestor!
Below I have started compiling links to great places to search your roots. Not all are Native American, but I have found them very helpful. Also, I have included a "list" so to say, of Blackfoot ancestors that are being researched. Please feel free to include your ancestors in this section. Just click on the link and fill in the information. It will be categorized and put up on the site with an email informing you when it was done.
NOTE: Although the links and information are for anyones use, we ask that only those searching for their Blackfoot Ancestors post their family information. This is not done with the purpose to offend anyone, however, this is a Blackfoot Nation Home Page, dedicated to the Blackfoot People, and we wish to keep our information in that way.
1. Get as much info on your ancestor(s) as possible. Even stories told through the generations can lead to important ways of discoveries.
2. Site all your information, where and when you got each source.
3. A good place to begin your search is by writing the tribal council(s) you think your ancestor belongs to. Send them a SASE and what information you have on them.
NOTE: This is a very new section to our website, so do not be disappointed if there is not a lot of information yet. Keep checking back, and if you wish, send us an email if you want to be notified of updates.
Click on the image and Post Your Ancestor(s) Informaion
Choose a letter to see the surnames of the posted ancestors
DISCLAIMER: The information provided for the genealogy portion of this website is submitted by individual researchers. This website, the server and host, the website owners and developers, and all involved, are in NO WAY responsible for any content submiited to us and posted on our site. We ask that those submitting information do NOT include any living relatives or names without the permission from said individuals. However, we are not responsible if this does occur; please contact the contact name on the page in question. For any questions, comments or concerns, please EMAIL us.
We have started a new genealogy service. For more information, please visit our site. No hourly fees. If we don't find anything, you don't pay anything.
Rootsweb: This is an EXCELLENT site for doing research. Make sure you join the mailing lists of every surname you are researching. And best of's FREE!
Ancestry.Com This is a good site, but only a few things are available without a paid prescription.
World Connect Project: This is a good site, and it's free.
Note: The 3 links above are the ones I suggest you start using first.
Glacier County MTGen Web Project
Language Samples