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Let's Play Ball!

~Bobby...My Husband~

My husband Bobby, started coaching baseball in 1970, when he was told about a team that would have to fold if a volunteer coach was not found.

He took this team and now 30 years later,he is still a volunteer coach. He has coached boys' hardball,girls' softball,softball adult co-ed,and church teams.

All 7 of our children have played ball. Six of the 7,he has coached. He now coaches 10-12 year old boys in which our 12 year old son plays. And also coaches a co-ed team in which some of our grown children play on.

He too, is an umpire.

~My Sister...Sherlyn~

Sherlyn was born in 1954,a twin. Her twin died after 2 weeks of life. Sherlyn weighed only 2 pounds at birth, and was also born with Cerebral Palsy. Her IQ level is at age 6, and she was 45 years old in September. She has lived in our house since our mother's death in 1983.

She too, plays softball on a team for the disabled. Alot of the players on her team hit off of a T.

Several are in wheelchairs and some use walkers. Each player has a coach to help them around the bases.

She loves to play ball!

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