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My Birthday Gifts...May 26,1999

I woke up on my birthday and ran to my Web as usual, to see how many e-mails awaited me...just as I do every morning.

I had 14 cards and birthday wishes. I was on #9 which was from my sister Barbara, and it read: "This is for your birthday, "Webwoman's Place."

A friend,(Richard) had named me that because I am Web-addicted!

I clicked onto Webwoman's Place, and it was the first of two pages of the Homepage. She did this as a joke to get me interested. worked! What a nice gift from Barb.

I moved along to the next e-mail, and this message was from my 11 year old son. It read: "Happy Birthday,Mom. I had Couchpapa make you an Award from me to you, for your birthday. It is your favorite angel, and is to be posted on your Homepage to give out to other people." Thanks to Chris and Couchpapa!

Even though the first two pages were meant as a joke, they will stay on because...not only did it get me interested in Homepages...


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