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Information and Plans

The Cats Eye On Sports,

The Cats Eye On Sports,

It is strange that the longest period of a person’s life is their childhood, and at the same time, that childhood is the shortest time for their parents. My work helps save a few moments of that time for both.

This breakdown is as simple an explanation of the overall program and situation as possible.

    1. Description of program
    2. Time slots and re-runs and the flexibility of programming
    3. Times required for production and the variables
    4. Sponsorship goal
    5. Sponsorship placement
    6. Sponsorship definitions and descriptions the variables of placement and types of recognition
    7. Funding use
    8. Equipment repair
    9. Equipment purchase
    10. Computer use and the importance of development in this area
    11. Integration of boosters clubs and the program.
    12. Promotional efforts
    13. Internship and part-time employs
    14. Sharing of video tapes
    15. Program future development
    16. Live Television Broadcasting
    17. The past – present – and future

the html did not reformat correctly from ms-word - and im not going to take the time to figure out why -read the numbered list above - and take it from there. write me and I will email you a word or txt copy of this.

    1. Description of program
    2. This program is for the encouragement of individual young players, family records, and coaching use, promotion of schools and team sports, and public entertainment.

      There are three new, first run, two-hour programs played each week.

      The primary purpose of this program is to supply instant peer recognition and encouragement. The complements of peers, saying, "I saw you on TV…" is a self esteem and confidence builder. The player has multiple opportunities to copy this tape for their own use and self-criticism.

      This program is a one-camera production, and follows a general shooting and editing format. We attempt to both make the event exciting and present a complete visual picture of the game.

      Multiple camera productions are seldom presented. The manpower requirements, set-up and tear-down times are extensive, and when doing these productions on line editing is a necessity. A minimum of one camera operator, one director/switcher, one announcer and one play by play operator are required. Additional camera operators may be utilized for interest shots. Baseball, Softball-Fast-Pitch, is the games, which require more than one camera for interest. Baseball, Softball-Fast-Pitch shot with one camera should be shot as a game tape stopping and starting the tape between plays. Every game has play by play – some of it is strictly amateur – a first attempt by a student – and at other times the play by play is professional.

      The program is 2 hours more or less depending on the actual length of time of the event. The event will be edited to fit into a two-hour slot where possible. This time is important to the programming schedule of the CAT itself.


    3. Time slots and re-runs and the flexibility of programming

Community Access Television, programming is based on a top of the hour program change. The sports program attempts to follow this schedule. The exceptions are programs, which exceed the two-hour time, overtime programs, events such as Baseball and other exceptional events. With an element of humor here, "The CAT" has a mind of its own, and it is somewhat difficult to anticipate the schedules in advance. The CAT does post the schedules in the Northwest Arkansas Times.

A one to two week delay is normal for play times.

Anyone on the cable system can request the re-play of any program and it will be scheduled for replay on CAT.

The program first run time slots is:


Noon to 2 PM – 2 PM to 4 PM –and – 4 PM to 6 PM

Re-run time slots are somewhat more variable

Monday through Friday

    1. every morning – times announced
    2. every afternoon – times announced

Friday Evening

6 PM to 8 PM – 8 PM to 10 PM – and – 10 PM to Midnight



    1. Times required for production and the variables
    2. Program production will vary from 10 to 15 hours each program. Complicated edits and feature programs require more time for editing.


    3. Sponsorship goal
    4. The program needs 8 sponsors at a weekly rate of $250 each week.

    5. Sponsorship placement
    6. The recognition will be placed at the beginning, ˝ time, and end of each program

    7. Sponsorship definitions and descriptions the variables of placement
    8. The program sponsorship in the case of produced spots must follow the format of AETN. The basic rules are no direct appeal for funds ‘the price is’ and specific items are not listed

      The CAT, follow rules for broadcast as defined in their policy statement. These programs will not conflict with those policies.

      Sponsorship recognition will vary and appear as scrolling lists, full screen superimposed character generation, title screens, and produced spots. The program length will determine the specific type of presentation.

      SPONSORSHIP COPY Each sponsor will supply their own copy for the program – a text presentation and an audio script. We will prepare these as general appreciation scripts for the sponsor if not supplied.

    9. Funding use
    10. Income from this program pays for materials, travel and expenses, office expenses,

      Equipment, and personal expenses which include two teenage daughters.

    11. Equipment repair
    12. This equipment must be sent to the factory for rebuild.

      Three, Sony VX-700 cameras one Sony SVHS VCR

    13. Equipment purchase
    14. Our equipment is needed for upgrade and replacement. This is a list of the most important equipment replacement and upgrades

      Two, Canon XL1 cameras

      One, SVHS VCR added to the edit system

      One, Apple G4 System, 20 gig, 128 ram, CDR

      Two, Azden wireless microphone systems

      One, Macki audio mixer

      One, DVDR (this is an expensive system and unless some one comes forward and contributes it.)

    15. Computer use and the importance of development in this area
    16. The video industry is changing in many ways, computer editing being the most important. The new computer will be a dedicated system, used only for video editing and graphics for the program. The output from this computer will be used to master the programs on CD in AVI format, and on Tape in SVHS.

      In the near future the VHS tape will be replaced by DVD, and the average home will no longer have VCR’s. It is important to upgrade to this medium as soon as possible to be ready for the change.

      I have been accumulating the components for a WWW server. The Internet will soon be as common in the home as the television set. In the present I have planned the use for this server to be for streaming of select sports events. Streaming video live to the Internet will mean those games may be viewed by the world. The immediate plans have been for the establishment of a comprehensive database with all of the school schedules, of all of the sports. Then to establish team pages with photos and commentary about the picture and event.

      The server could be used for the home pages for all of the clubs and newsletters posted.

    17. Integration of boosters clubs and the program.

The booster clubs, fill the gap of support for the various schools and teams. There is have always been teams, sports and players who are left out of the loop. The major sports are not any more important than the minor ones. How do you choose which young person is more or less important than another. The Junior HS, booster clubs have even more problems than the High Schools.

This program could serve as a central focus, and coordinating point for the clubs.

a. I have a central office, and work space enough for the different groups to meet and work. .

    1. Interaction would lead to shared resources, such as information, labor, equipment and space.
    2. Each of the teams would benefit to a greater degree, by association with the parents of players on other teams.
    3. Promotional materials could be designed and directed toward all of the teams rather than one major sport
    1. Promotional efforts
    2. Exactly the same problem exist with the television program as with individual sports programs. That problem is, "How to get the word out".

      The television program has this problem "The public has a difficult time knowing when they may view any specific program". The single promotion of programs in the NW Arkansas Times, Sunday edition misses a large portion of our community. Funding has kept me from individually promoting the program.

      With funding the weekly schedule would be at two places in the papers 1. The sports section, and 2. The TV section of both the Times and the Morning News, additionally I would include that same schedule in the Star Shopper.

      The weekly sports schedules for all of the teams could be included with the program announcement.

      The schools also have weekly student newspapers, which could carry these schedules.

    3. Internship and part-time employs
    4. Part-time help is really needed if this program is to expand to consistently cover more sports than the 3 two-hour weekly programs. With interns and part-time help, 3 more two-hour programs could easily expand the new program schedule. Six new shows each week would be a significant growth. The new programs could be played in the Friday 6 PM to Midnight, time slot. The weekday re-runs would be able include all of these new shows.

      Interns and Part-time employ education and duties

      A short classroom course on video sports journalism and Announcing would be necessary. The interns and employs would go through the CAT courses on Field, Studio, and Editing; and would become official CAT producers. Additionally they would learn to produce video for the Internet. They would make Internet pages and learn the elements of HTML (hypertext markup language).

      Hands on experience will be the strongest feature for these individuals. The nature of this discipline is repeatedly, shooting video, editing, announcing and doing voice dubs, writing stories, and producing programs.

    5. Sharing of video tapes
    6. One of the things, which would improve this program in a big way, is the sharing of videotape by the parents and coaches. These tapes usually are biased either toward the parent’s child or the coach’s entire team. However – as a whole unit they could be edited into informative programs. Particularly if the parents would also, take a short one evening course, on video techniques, and then would loan the tapes to us.

    7. Program future development – w/ radio and television
    8. Future development is all keyed on funding, but as mentioned the first coverage would be the 3 new two-hour programs. The next major change would be a sports news program, which would play daily on CAT.

      The next development would be to select specific events and play them on broadcast television. These programs could be played within a few hours of the taping, because the insertions of Advertising and Public Relations tapes could be prepared in advance, these tapes mixed with live programming would enable the show to go on as soon as the game tapes arrived at the station. Seldom would we be faced with this immediate of a turn around, but this would be possible. Broadcast television would greatly expand the viewer-ship, but would also mean a significant increase in expense. The expense would include materials, part-time/intern pay and/or per-deum, travel expenses, broadcast time purchase and equipment. This expense could be offset with a higher charge for sponsorships.

      Radio is another possibility for expansion, and could include sports such as soccer, volleyball and baseball/softball/fast pitch. These programs could be live on the radio and the Internet at the same time. The daily sports news program could also fit into this format. The income for formal advertising would benefit the program.

      Please note the sponsors would not have any restrictions concerning advertising and promotion on these programs. There is the necessity of a larger team for production; the creation of a regular sports team for these broadcasts would be easily accomplished. The same tapes would be played on CAT.

    9. The past – present – and future

This program started 8 years ago with women’s rugby, it continued to expand until today we have 15 two-hour weekly time slots with sports. The possible future I have outlined here in this paper. The program has always been an organic growing and developing television program and it will continue to be so.


All that I have mentioned is a possibility. The reality is, I will have no choice but to end the program unless there is an immediate, significant and large cash flow.

I have proven my ability and my devotion to this program. The program has been a benefit to the City Government, The Cable Board, The Public television station CAT, the school system, the teams, the individual players, the alumni, the fans and general public. The program is one of a kind in our nation and I more than anyone will be disappointed if I am forced to end the program because of so small a thing a cash flow.

It’s up to you now.

With Respect

Bill Ames

Bill Ames Video Production

The Cats Eye on Sports

5 East Mountain #2

Fayetteville, AR. 72701

501 444-0814
