Webmaster's Page
Me hard at work on the web page late one night.
My puppy sleeping on my roommates bed during his visit sunday.
Hey, thanks for taking a second to find out about
your webmaster. That's me Jeffrey Rieske in the picture. I'm in Instrumental Music and play the trombone. Chris Campolo is my Area II instructor, and Phillip Melton tries to control the insanity in my Area III class. I enjoy sports as well as music, girls, chess, and basically anything else stimulating or challenging.
I want this webpage to be what the AGS students want so feel free to pass any ideas you have my way. I can be reached at riskyjeff02@yahoo.com. (Special thanks to Quentin Rezin, Tom Stifiel, Hunter Riley,and Matt Williams for their outstanding help. Also thank you to everyone who contributes to the homepage.)