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This is when the Goddess and the God unite and is a celebration of fertility and healing. The way we celebrate Beltane in our home is by merely picking and displaying wild flowers.

Beltane Traditions

Traditional foods are those flavored with flowers, such as cookies made with rose extract and custards containing marigold or nasturtium, oatmeal cakes and wine flavored with flower petals of rose or nasturtium, or dandelion wine. Also, fruity wine, spiced pears, and cinnamon bread with raisins, almonds, and almond paste may be used.

Beltane Activities

*Make paper baskets by folding a square piece of decorated paper diagonally and gluing or tying a handle of yarn through punched holes. Then place a few spring flowers inside the basket and place on the front door knobs of your friends' and neighbors' houses. Do this un-detected.

*Make a wish as you jump over a bonfire (or a campfire- May Day is a fine day to camp).

*String beads or flowers for a blessing

*Make Beltane Bread