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April 2001

Sometimes I like to start the newsletter by making a few statements about the weather. This time, I'll let Stephanie Butcher do that for me. (I think she's said it better than I could anyway!)

Thanks Stephanie for the Poem.

The Rain Storm

By Stephanie Butcher -- Age 8

I hear the clouds rolling by

Way up -- way up in the sky.

And when I hear the thunder roar

I know I should not go outdoor.

And when I hear the rain go

"Drip! Drip! Drop! Drip! Drip! Drop!"

I know I should not hop outside, outside.

I know I should not hop outside.

Mom's Night Out

April 10th

In the home of

Tina George

1305 N. Mosby

(yellow house corner of 9th and Mosby)

6:30 p.m.

Don't miss it!