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February 2001

Hello again. I apologize for not sending out newsletters to you. There hasn't been a whole lot going on within our group during these past few months. It's hard to find things for me to write about sometimes. If I don't get input from any of you, it can become very time consuming for me to look for articles to write. Plus, things have been very busy here at my house. Three of my children had a goal to finish homeschool in December and with a lot of hard work they reached their goal!

There are several activities planned for the month of February. Be sure to mark your calendar and plan ahead so you will be able to attend. Our group hasn't been together for a while. It's time to get together again and catch up.

See you around!

Have a Happy Valentines Day!


Prayer Needed

Please continue to lift up James and Claudia Jernigan and their family. James had a stroke and is having a tough time recuperating. He's back in El Dorado in ICU in serious but stable condition. He has improved some, but is still unable to talk. If you'd like to send a note, call me for the address. Tina @ 875-1973


Storm Chasers - Free lecture

February 6th 11:00 a.m.

You may need to get there about 10:15 though.

They are expecting a good crowd.

Horton Theater @ SAU Magnolia

The storm chaser that assisted with the movie Twister

will be there to show slides and talk about the exitement of chasing these storms. Very informative lecture.



I know it's been pretty chilly outside and on some days, it's just down right freezing, but the pool is heated and ready to for you to jump in to! The cost is only $1 per swimmer and if you decide to stay and extra hour, you just pay the lady at the desk another dollar. The time is from 1:00 - 2:00 every Thursday afternoon at the YWCA.


Family Council Luncheon

Immanuel Baptist Church

Feb. 9th 12:00 - 1:00

Someone from the Family Council will be there to update you with all the latest Legislation news that pertains to families. Call Angela Brown for more information or to sign up to attend. Call before Tuesday the 6th.


Valentine Party!

February 9th

1:30 - 3:30

Wyatt Baptist Church

Children will need to make and bring a box to put their cards in.

Be sure your child signs his/her name on the cards. One box will contain more than enough.

Bring a refreshment to share!

There will be Spelling Bee after the party for those children, grades 4 -8th, interested in participating. Contact Melanie Moses for more information



Field Trip!

There will be a field trip planned for February but all the details are not yet worked out. We will be going to the state capital on Feb. 22nd. There may also be a trip to the Children's Museum for the younger children to attend on the same day.

I will send out a flyer with all the information you need as soon I receive all the details!