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MARCH 2001

Although you can't tell from the weather on some days, Spring is here. We have got to have the most confused weather man in the nation. Will it be cold, warm, cloudy, rainy, sunny? I reckon the only way to tell is to look outside. I've heard the saying "If you don't like the weather in Arkansas, just stick around. It'll change!" Every new day seems to prove that statement to be true.

This past Sunday I helped teach our children's church class. The verse for the day was Psalm 46:1. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." I was going over the verse with some of the children, helping them prepare to play a game. Some of them wanted to know what ever-present meant. The best way I knew to define it was to tell them that God was forever and always present in our lives. He will never leave us. God tells us that he will always be with us, every single minute, every single hour and ever single day.

Unlike the weather, that will never change.


The YWCA pool is open to homeschoolers every Thursday.

1:00 - 2:00 $1.00 per swimmer per hour

Come on over and take a dip!


It's that time again to order your homeschool book catalogs. There are so many out there to choose from. Me...I want one of everything. I love to look at the catalogs. I'm hooked for hours. I read them from front to back. Most of the time I'm not interested in ordering the book, just reading the synopsis to check out more or better ideas of teaching. I've attached a list of catalogs for you to choose from. Some of them give really good discounts for ordering early, in order to avoid the summer rush.


Need to save a little extra on your groceries? Click on or . You pick the coupons that they will send you free of charge.


I'm looking for poems or short stories that have been written by your children. I would like to print them in the newsletter. I can scan and print them or copy them word for word. Your choice. Send them to me or give me a call and I'll write them down (if they're not too long). Any age child can submit work.


science project

Materials: 3 foot wooden stake

A stick of something which will mark the ground....toothpick, plastic knife, straw, etc.


1. Find a place where the sun shines from noon throughout the day.

2. A little before noon, place the stake so that a shadow is cast on the ground.

3. Mark the edge of the noon shadow.

4. At every hour after, mark the edge of the shadow.

5. Over the next few days, tell time by the shadow, estimating when the shadow is between marking. Then, check the actual time using a watch or clock. Record your results.


As of now, there are not any field trips planned for March, but we do have one for April that I'd like to let you know about ahead of time. If you have any ideas for field trips, please let me know. We are open for suggestions. If you're interested in going then someone else will be too!

April Field Trip........

On April 20, we will meet at the Arboretum at noon time. Bring a picnic lunch. We will take a tour of the Arboretum and learn so much about the plants, trees, and flowers that are there.

*Hey Moms!.....this is a great opportunity for a lesson. Make a list of different types of leaves, flowers, etc. for your child to look for during the tour. Study up on some of the trees; size of leaves, do they put out flowers, nuts, berries, etc. When you get to the Arboretum, the tour will be more interesting to your child. He/She will be able to relate a little easier to what the tour guide is talking about.

Not sure yet if we will be eating before or after this tour.

After this tour is over, we will head on down the street to the new Post Office. I'm looking forward to this trip. Even Jason and Hannah, at 12 and 10, are very interested in where our mail goes after we put it into the slots.

So, mark you calenders now so you won't miss this tour.


Hey kids!

Want to play Kickball?

Pack a picnic lunch and meet us on Thursday April 5th, at the city park on college ave. at 11:00 a.m.. We'll play a game or two, then eat lunch and maybe play another game. Be sure to wear tennis shoes so you don't hurt your toes when You kick the ball! See you there!