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Welcome to a new homeschool year! For some of you this is all new to you. Don't worry and try not to stress yourself out. Be patient with your children; try not to expect too much from them or yourself. You'll find that it helps to pray with your children before you begin your homeschooling day. It also helps to know that you can go to the Mom's Night Out to share your 'experiences' with the other moms. You are not alone out there. There are plenty of other mom's who know exactly what you may be going through. We all have days that we'd love to pull our hair out. But instead, keep the hair where it's at, go to your room, shut, not slam the door, and count to ten. Well, you know what, on second thought, go ahead and slam that door. Sometimes the powerful 'wham' of a door will get their attention when nothing else will. You'd be surprised how much work they managed to get finished during the few minutes you take to collect yourself. I am just kidding you know. But I, of course, plead the fifth on that subject. My children usually think I'm a bit too stressed anyway. Yesterday, I spent about half an hour hanging up wet laundry in the bathroom while singing God Bless America...opera style. They never once looked my way. When I came out, I asked them if they found anything remotely retarded about me singing like that and they actually said "no ma'am". What does that tell you? I've given a spelling test once while preparing a new recipe and for the next word I called out "2 eggs, lightly beaten". I reckon it was just one of 'those' days! I guarantee, that will not be the last!

We had a great turn out at the New Year Meeting. It was nice to meet the new folks that are joining our group and to see the old folks again. We are going to try to have these meeting more often. It's fun to get the families together to fellowship.

We are working to get our group more organized. Some of us have been members of homeschool groups from other cities or states. You may have some ideas or suggestions about the way things were done there. We do have committees that we are working on. Some of them were pretty active this past school year. They kept us busy with field trips and other activities that we thoroughly enjoyed. If any of you take an interest in any of the committees mentioned on the membership form, don't be shy about coming forward. They are not very time consuming. Sometimes spending a few minutes on the phone from time to time is all you'll need to do. If you have any questions about them, call me at 875-1973. I'll do what I can to answer them.

If you were at the meeting, you know that I am asking for input for the newsletter. I'll print just about anything in here. I've covered everything from helpful hints on homeschooling, to recipes, to puzzles for the kids to do. I'm going to try to put as much of that as possible in this newsletter so you will have some idea as to what I'm looking for. But really, if you are interested in something you've read or experienced, then the odds are that someone else is too. Don't be shy about sending in information. I won't put your name on it if you don't want me to. Think about it, then send it in.

Have a good year!

Art classes at the Museum of Natural Resources.......

There will not be any classes held in Sept after all. It may not be until Oct. or Nov.. She holds classes in the morning and afternoon for 1 hour and 15 minutes for each class. Be thinking about this now, so I can get a head count as soon as possible when it's time to sign up for the class. I will keep you informed on when the classes will start.


Quik Cooking!

Creamy Chicken and Rice

1 cup instant rice

1 cup water

1 can (15 oz) mixed vegetables, drained

1 can (10 3/4 oz) cream of chicken soup, undiluted

1 can (5 oz) white chicken, drained

1/4 to ½ teaspoon dried basil

Pinch Pepper

In a sauce pan, cook rice in water according to package directions. Add the remaining ingredients; heat through. 4 servings


Membership Forms.....

If you have not yet mailed your membership form, you need to do so as soon as possible. It's very important that I receive this from you so I can get the directory set up and get the newsletters out to those of you who want them. If I don't have your membership form, I can only assume that you are no longer homeschooling. I wouldn't want you to miss out on any information. So, send it in today!


Mom's Night Out!

6:30 p.m.

Tuesday Sept. 12th

1305 N. Mosby

(yellow house, corner of 9th and Mosby)

This is a fun time to share ideas, worries, and anything else you have on your mind. Let Dad have a fun night with the kids. You don't want to miss it!

Homeschool Catalogs

ABeka Books 1-877-223-5226

Bluestocking Press 1-800-959-8586

Christian Book Distributors (CBD) 1-508-977-5000

God's World Book Educational Catalog 1-800-951-BOOK

Greenleaf Press 1-615-449-1617

Alpha Omega Publications 1-800-622-3070

Bob Jones University Press 1-800-845-5731

Elijah Company 1-888-2-ELIJAH

Farm Country General Store 1-800-551-FARM

Farm Country says that they charge for their catalogs, but don't if you call.

The Home School 1-800-788-1221

Timberdoodle Co. 1-360-426-0672

Driving Related Internet Addresses
Tips for choosing a safer vehicle and move; safety facts.
Valuable information including more accounts of tragedy how to cope.
Very good information for new drivers and all that need reminders.
A lot of very good driving tips for everyone by teens.
Car buyers guide, new and used but included good information and advice - check the sidebars.


Other Web Sites: Good articles...bookmobile... We all need to keep up with this! You can get on this site each day to check out the daily historical facts. Very informative!

Family Council (Education Alliance) 414 S. Pulaski Suite 2

Little Rock, Arkansas 71730 501-375-7000

This is the one we discussed at the meeting. Very informative website and a newsletter that you can receive.


Wow! I couldn't believe my eyes! There were 30 children and 13 adults at the pool for our homeschool Pool Day! They had such a great time! This is just the way it should be. Fantastic fellowship! Some of the mom's and even dad's and a grandma got in the pool with their children. Needless to say, they were a lot cooler than those of us who sat on the sidelines. But all in all, we had a good time.

Take the afternoon off next week. Let the kids burn off some of this bottled-up energy they have from staying inside due to the heat.

Meet us at the pool on Thursday at 1:00. The cost is only $1.00 per swimmer. The kids have so much fun. See you there!


Books for Sale:

Diane Boone has some 4th and 5th grade ABeka Books for sale. Give her a call at 875-2157.








ONLY $150

Call Rhonda Sayers @ 862-7072


________________JUST FOR YOUR INFO__________________

Take a close look at a candle flame. How many different zones does it have? From the wick outward and upward, first there is a transparent zone, then usually a blue zone, then a yellow zone, and possibly a short red one. Sometimes there is even a black zone after that one.

The transparent zone nearest the wick is where wax vapor steadily streams off the wick. There isn't enough oxygen in that zone for it to burn, because the steady stream of vapor keeps it out. But
something else important happens here: the heat from the burning part of the flame starts breaking up the chains of carbon atoms in the wax. The long chains of carbon atoms immediately condense into extremely tiny particles of soot, which are carried into the main flame.

The blue zone is colored by the burning of a particular kind of molecular fragment called diatomic carbon (C2). The yellow zone is colored by the burning of the soot particles. If not all the soot
burns, then the red zone forms from cooling soot particles, and you might even see the black zone which is smoke (large soot particles) in the process of condensing.
A more detailed explanation:
More about soot and candle flames:
More Cool Facts about fire: