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Australian Biker Art

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In Memory of Jennifer Michelle Cook

Born in Gosford NSW Australia, (28/04/69 to 18/01/98)

Jenny was my sister in law, she died at 28, two years ago. She was a brilliant artist and could have gone far in any artistic field, but her life was cut short because of alcoholism and eating disorders. She died of a heart siezure in a swimming pool in front of her daughter who was 8 at the time.

But out of this tradgety, we managed to save some of her drawings from her art books and we would like to share them with everyone out there. It is something she would have loved.

These drawings are made up of crayon, pen, markers, charkhol, nailpolish and pencils.

Most of these pictures were too big for my scanner so they had to be joined, but they will be updated when possible.

Click on the image to see a larger version and comments about the picture.


Click Here For More of Jenny`s Art

Before Jen started drinking she was a hairdresser, makeup artist, and signwriter. She also played the guitaar and piano. If you are close to someone with an alcohol problem or suspect they have an eating disorder, DON`T GIVE UP, keep trying to help them or they WILL die.


Any comments please E-Mail us.

To Go To Jenny`s Links Page

This site designed by Erika Cook.