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Beauty Is A Curse

My mother was
a beauty queen,
a stunning woman
it seems.
A rare gem shining
like a movie star,
and her man couldn't
understand that it
wasn't her fault.
He didn't know that
beauty is only skin deep,
but was also within.
She had a theory,
a weird one at that,
one I never heard before,
even though it's kinda eerie.
That" beauty is a curse".
Because guys
just wanna use you,
just to say they had you,
and the women hate you
because they're scared
you'll steal their man.
of whom you wouldn't want
if they threw him at you.
On holidays the big
fat aunts came around
eatin' like pigs,
wondering why her
figure is still
fit and slim;
pretending there's no
chair for her to sit.
They gossiped and lied
about her innocence
just because her
light did shine,
outwardly and inwardly
they were outshined.
"Oh, woe is me",
my mother used to say,
"beauty is a curse".
I remember it today.
Thank God I don't have
her beautiful face, and
that I look like my dad.
I am so glad that I'm
just a plain Jane,
and fit into society
better than she can.
they say I'm pretty,
thank God I don't
resemble my mom.
She taught me a lot,
my dear sweet mom.
She was beautiful,
but to her
"beauty is a curse".

by Dottie

to my sweet,
piano playing "mom"
died November, 1984
I love you mom,
and "I Ain't Misbehavin"