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Curiosity A Probe
Curiosity a probe, that's me. Being part of the Light and It part of me. Standing on a cloud and watching them all go by. Having no worries, and had no fears. There was no suffering, there were no years. There was only Peace and Beauty all around. There was only one thing wrong. I was just a curiosity, " a probe", within my space and time. Curious to know about a different life, and I wanted to go. So, I took a plunge into the world, through a tunnel of colors so bright. Then darkness surrounded me like a darkened night. Opening my eyes again, that curiosity caused some pain. Opening to such a sight, my beautiful mom smiling down on me. Now I have a name, not just curiosity "a probe". Knowing now what life can really be.
by:Dottie Fontaine


Artwork courtesy of
and copyright by Griselda,
(photo one)
who invites you to visit her
Art Spirit Gallery website