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The sun shines brightly
upon your head,
and warms your face
against the cold.
There is a presence
in the air, that
you cannot see.
There is a spirit flying
there under the sun,
flying through the breeze.
She's as free as the birds
and has a secret
within her wisdom's flight.
She is the Day Angel
guided by the Light.
She's here to linger by the beach,
and see you when you swim.
She glimmers as the sun.
Her golden hair shinning
brightly as she smiles.
We don't know why she lingers
by the waters mist.
We don't always catch a glimpse.
Her smile is a ray
of sunshine;
her eyes dance in
the waves of light
that splash by.
Her spirit is captured
in the sea-shells
lying on the sand.
She is the Day Angel
lingering there,
under the heavens
dressed in rainbow colors,
flying near the beach.

by Dorothy F.