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Gazing into this scene, it was so pleasing that I began dreaming of a better place. This city girl dreaming of the two of us, snuggled up into this mountain home. The smell of fresh roses just outside the door, and the sound of the bubbling brook rolling down the hill. The sunrise with the morning glory, as seen in your eyes; the bacon fries, and the pancakes are as sweet as you. My apron is fresh and there's no sounds of busy trucks and cars along the mountainside. Dreaming still of a better life with you by my side. The blue jay flew into the open sky. I have a busy day, for I must pick a floral bouquet to put inside my vase. And listen to piano tunes that I will sing for you, The days are warm and the Spring is near, I only live for your kisses dear. The winters are cold, but not anymore, for you're here to keep me warm, and you light up the night with moonlight in your hair. The fireplace is lit; outside I hear a bear. He went away just like you said. I'm not frightened anymore.We'll go outside to watch the twinkling stars,and don't think that Paradise could be too far. But, I'm still just a city girl, and it will never be. But, I love dreaming, cause dreaming can make you mine. Gazing into the scene, just dreaming, of a cottage built for two.

Artwork courtesy of
and copyright by Griselda,
who invites you to visit her
Griselda Art Spirit Gallery
Griselda Art

This poem was created by:
Dottie Fontaine ©