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Dream Dance

through the clouds of love.
and twirling my gown
in the wind;
hearing the moonlight music
in your arms.
Amongst the silvery clouds
of white.
Dreaming of love,
you holding me tight.
your kiss of eternity.
Envisioning your eyes
within the soul of me.
Gliding across
heaven's floor.
A dream of love,
knowing you before,
somewhere in time.
Music playing,
reminding me of you.
I began to dance,
picturing you there.
You took me into your arms,
into dreamland.
We were dancing together,
with music everywhere.
Our spirits are joined.
Where do we belong?
Apart or together?
Only time will tell.
I yearn to touch your face,
see your smile,
and run my fingers
through your hair and
to kiss your lips.
Listening to the music
and the beating of our hearts
as we were dancing.
We were dancing,
we were really there
in my imagination,
dancing across the floor.

by Dottie Fontaine
