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Every Now And Then

Every now and then
someone comes along,
and you just know it's him.
Every now and then
he smiles at you
and you just melt.
And when the day is
through, you wonder
how you ever lived
without him,
and he without you.
Every now and then
someone special
just walks into a room.
And you know it's him.
Your Prince, the only one,
the only one for you.
Every now and then
you are truly blessed
and he comes along.
When you least expect.
Every now and then
he'll kiss your lips,
and tell you that
you belong to him.
Every now and then
he'll break your heart,
and come along again.
Every now and then
you'll forgive him for all,
and everything,
because he means so much.
Knowing, that you live
only for his touch.
Every now and then,
you'll just get on your knees
and thank God
that he came along.
And every now and then
you'll just
thank God for him.
