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Forgiveness comes from God the Spirit of Love. Forgiveness comes from His mercy and kindness. We do nothing to deserve it in our sinful nature, but He sees the flesh and our weaknesses, and forgives us all, Forgives and wipes away all the past. His wish is for us to forgive others and be more like Him. But, when we have a hard heart He is not pleased. Without forgiveness there is no love. Where would we be if He would never forgive us? Haven't we all fallen short of the glory of God? Haven't we all sinned? Calvary was for us all, the blood He shed, the tears and the pain. He knows our suffferings, and He cares for us. Our Savoir Jesus loves us beyond our comprehension. Beyond eternity. He knew us before we were born, and fogave us before we were sent. Maybe you can forgive your enemies, and those who despitefully use you. But, the hardest thing of all is to forgive yourself. Judas died because he couldn't forgive himself, but, His Master had already pardoned him. So, seek forgiveness from within, and remember your merciful and kind Lord forgives you, and is saddened when you cannot forgive your self. For when He forgives, He puts your sins into a sea of forgetfulness, and He washes you as white as snow when you ask of Him to do so. For Him it is over and forgotten. You must forget it too, to be content with your-self and with the world.

by Dottie Fontaine
written on August 3,2002