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 Your Guardian Angel

Do you believe you have a guardian angel with you every day? For she knew you before your birth. She knew you when in your mother's womb protecting you even then. She was there to see you into the world. She helped the doctor's hands deliver you into the light. Do you know that it's true, that your guardian angel loves and protects you? There were may times you faced danger. Don't you remember when it seemed so strange, that you were delivered from obvious harm? Don't you remember thanking God for the close call you escaped from? He sent your guadian angel for just that reason, because He cares for you. Do you know that your angel can speak to you? If you'll only pay attention to the soft voice speaking. Just listen with your soul and she will answer you. Many have seen angels, don't you believe? She sits upon your bedside as you sleep watching out that demons don't take you in the night. She spreads her wings in praise that you are her job today, and praises God for you. She sings a song of joy that you are safely bound. For she sees your pain and tears and sees each smile that appears upon your face as you face each new day. When you think you have no-one, and feel lonely and blue; try talking to your angel who loves you. You may get a big surprise when she talks right back to you!

by Dottie