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Just a Fool

I have never expressed
myself to anyone more
than I express to you.
I wonder
if you are laughing,
or if I am just a fool?
Can these words of mine
survive the test of time?
Do my words
truly touch you?
Can you really
see my heart,
as I wear it on my sleeve?
Can you know me
when I bear my soul?
There is a feather
in your cap
for inspiring me.
I hope that I can
give it back.
The words
are just my tools.
Or, am I just a fool?
You throw me some crumbs
and I think it's a meal.
You haven't said much.
We've never even touched
our flesh for real.
But, do you think
of me this day
as I think of you?
Should I
go back to school?
Or am I just a fool?
Can you love
this heart of mine,
when I break the rules?
and hold no secrets
within your soul?
Or, am I just a fool?
Will I ever open my eyes
and see you there,
when the odds
are not too good?
Are you playing fair?
Should I express
my heart to you
over, and over again?
What is written
in the wind?
Listen ~~
to what it is
saying to you?
Only Mother Time
can answer this,
unless we
turn to God.
Not even you
know what
the future holds.
Or, are we both
just fools?

By Dottie Fontaine
