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Love At First Sight

When eyes meet
for the first time,
with eyes that shine,
you'll know if God
has joined your souls.
Dispersing all
doubts and fears,
when your true
love is near.
Him, mastering
the perfect chemistry
for lovers to be,
instantly knowing
who will love you for life.
When put together
from above there is
no stronger love.
The experience of Life
called love at first sight.
Surrender to His will
and the Truth will prevail.
Knowing well then
"the eyes are the
windows to the soul".
Eyes first meeting
and it is He who ordains
the love of an eternity.
Then the chemistry
is there to feel.
Have no fear and rejoice
in love at first sight.
Your happiness will be
there within the
realm of Time
with your future mate
called "love at first sight".
